A open letter to myself about how to get through challenges

Miss Cecille
ART + marketing
Published in
3 min readFeb 8, 2017

Dear you, yes you-that strong beautiful person that is going through a tough time,

I have crafted this letter for myself while I am going through a hard time. As i fight this struggle, i leave behind how I got through this awful time- the same way i got through so many other hard times.

This is a letter for every time you are facing a challenge. It will seem too hard. It will seem like too much. But this formula- the one you have used so many times before will help you get through.

As you go through the process, you must remember that you are so strong. And you can get through this. This challenge may break you down. It may make you feel like nothing good will ever happen to you again. It may feel like way too much for you to handle.

And that’s ok. Just keep on going through the steps, giving yourself however much time you need to be able to do all them. It’s not a race. It’s a process. And it can only work if you give it the time and effort you deserve.

So, when you’re ready, start this first step. It’s hard, i know. But it is completely necessary.

Step 1: Allow your emotions to wash over you

“The more you hide your feelings, the more they show. The more you deny your feelings, the more they grow.” ~Unknown

This is the most painful part of the process. You will cringe when you read this part. Because the pain is so incredibly strong. And you don't want to feel it.

It hurts. The pain sears. The anger cuts deep. And you’re afraid, so afraid, that the tidal wave of emotion will drown you. And you’re not so a sure of how good a swimmer you are to be able to get out from under that.

But you are a survivor. And you have gotten through so, so many difficult things in life. You battle chronic illness. You have made it through so much. In fact,

take a minute right now to reflect on all the challenges you overcame.At the time, those mountains seemed insurmountable. But today, they are but distant peaks. You really are awesome.

You can, and will rise above this tidal wave of emotions, though it will not be easy. It will take time and effort. But feelings do not dissipate just by ignoring them. In fact they only grow strong and push to break through, like a mine only a step away from explosion- and destruction.

When we fight against emotional pain, we get trapped in it. Difficult emotions become destructive and break down the mind, body, and spirit. Feelings get stuck, frozen in time, and we get stuck in them.-tiny buddha

But you must feel. Because you cannot heal without feeling. And you can not find the happiness if you wouldn’t allow yourself to feel.

Ok, time to let it all out. here are some ways you can let your emotions wash over you:

remember: Don’t censor anything. Any feeling is okay. Don’t think about what's normal or acceptable of okay. Just feel.

  1. Go into your room.And talk it out. And cry. And scream. Yell at the walls.Yell at G-D. just let it out.
  2. Write a journal entry.
  3. Talk it out with a good, supportive friend, mentor, or therapist.

This is part one of a mini series. To see the next step, follow me and you’ll see the next article in the series as soon as I publish it!



Miss Cecille
ART + marketing

Writing fiction & sharing my experiences with PTSD, chronic illness in Cleveland in the hopes of making us all feel a little less alone. Proud crazy cat lady.