Blah, blah, blah — All you need is a powerful CTA button

64 CTAs even you can’t resist clicking

ART + marketing
5 min readOct 27, 2017


Most of your content marketing success depends on the bounce and conversion.

The two exist on a seesaw, with the dire bounce rate on one side and the conversion rate on the other side.

But if you are not sure of what is the pivot at the centre of this two that will determine which way it will tip over?

It’s your CTAs.

CTAs decide whether your readers bounce from your page to never return or if they leap for the bait and move further down your sales funnel.

Having the knowledge of how to write CTAs that keeps the readers hooked is the key to your survival.

What Is A Call To Action?

As simple as that, a CTA

  • Gives user direction
  • Is a method to quantify your site’s success
  • Grabs visitor attention

It could be just the way you ask someone to

  • Sign Up for your newsletter
  • Download the free e-book from your resources page
  • Buy your product and so on.

CTAs can be anywhere on your website, might be at the beginning of your blog post, at the end of your blog post or spattered all over your landing page.

Also, CTAs can be used on any medium such as videos, advertisements, landing pages, blog posts and even on social media shares.

“Whatever form it may take and wherever it may appear, as a CTA it must make readers take immediate action.”

CTAs are usually buttons, linked within the text or sometimes as the images.

“CTAs must make readers believe that they are Called To Act instead of Click To Abscond.”

Now that all the blahs are over, we will move on to learning how to build the winning call to actions along the way.

FOMO — The Deadliest Fear Of Every Online Buyer

While it comes to crafting a compelling call to action, the method called FOMO, fear of missing out, is ever hard to beat. But for your understanding,

“Fear isn’t the actual trigger for buyers, it’s associated with something else deep.”

Most of us are almost compulsively steered by emotions.

Thus when you write a call to action, it’s a must that you tap into the type of emotions that are so connected to exclusivity. Because the exclusive call to actions are those that demand visitor actions when it comes to selling.

When you are selling something that people don’t need and are instead trying to create a necessity (creating situations), you need a better motivator for them to part with their money.

Utilizing fear and other ensuing emotions that are linked to exclusivity are good ones to use.

List Of Exclusive CTAs

The predominant idea behind having an exclusive CTA is, do it now or you will not be able to do it later.

The following words can hint the exclusivity on CTAs

  • Final Turn
  • Final Chance
  • Limited Supply
  • Only A Few Left
  • Ends Today
  • Ends Tomorrow
  • For Limited Time Only
  • One-time Offer
  • Expires Now
  • Hurry Up
  • Deadline
  • Closing Soon

List Of CTAs That Leverage Hope

CTAs do not only have to prompt fear, there are other equally powerful emotions, such as hope, conviction, and optimism that can do the trick too.

First of all, prick the desperation within your readers. Then start illustrating the problems they face and the hope to change the situation will suddenly make sense.

“You cannot sell to someone who isn’t displeased”

  • Avail Discount
  • Claim Offer
  • Increase Conversion
  • Boost Traffic
  • Gain More Visitors
  • Raise Sign Ups

Those were the CTAs to hit your user’s raw nerve 😛

Forthcoming CTAs are broken out by category such as

  1. To increase purchase
  2. For holiday time
  3. For content
  4. For events
  5. For service based businesses
  6. To get feedback
  7. For social media

To Improve Purchase

  • Get 50% Off
  • Shop Now
  • Act Now
  • Buy Today, Pay Later
  • Order Now
  • Start Saving Today

For Holiday Sale

  • Buy Santa’s Favourites
  • Find Holiday Gifts
  • Shop Birthday Deals
  • Yes! I want My Birthday Deal
  • This The Time. Donate Now
  • Festival Deal
  • Surprise Deal

For Content

  • Get The App
  • Read More
  • Learn More
  • Download The E-book
  • Curious? Read On
  • Read Full Story
  • Know More

For Event Campaigns

  • Book Your Seat
  • Join Us
  • Book Your Ticket
  • Count Me In
  • Get Your Early Bird Pass
  • Confirm Booking

For Service-Based Businesses

  • Book Your Demo
  • Start Your Free Trial
  • Upgrade Now
  • Sign Up and Save
  • Become VIP Customer

To Get Feedback

  • Take Our Survey
  • Submit Review
  • Post Your Comment
  • Vote Us
  • Send Your Feedback
  • Like Us

For Social Media

  • Like Our Page
  • Follow Us
  • Tweet This Post
  • Share This Image

Brands That Have Brilliant CTAs

There are plenty of call to action examples online. Thus I preferred to picking the popular companies from Fortune 500 list first (Don’t you think there is some reason behind their success?) and then dive into the successful ones.

1. Believe In Visuals Like Apple

2. Tickle Users Greed Like Netflix

3. Insert Content Specific CTA Like Music Law Contracts

4. Tap Into Emotions Like Dove

5. Assure Users Security Like HP

By the by, even the slighter change to your call to action can make a big difference. You might not know that moving your CTA to the upper fold of your page could boost your click-through-rate (CTR).

That’s why testing out CTAs are important.

Use this extensive list of the call to action tips to test every aspect of your CTAs.

Don’t forget to share your story with us 😃

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ART + marketing

Associate Director of Analyst Relations at | Exploring passions