Canvas And The Artist: The Power Distribution Between Platforms And The Creators.

Ev Tchebotarev
ART + marketing
Published in
1 min readDec 13, 2016


The whole world can be divided basically into two categories: you are either building a canvas, or you are the artist.

Canvas is a platform that enables the artists to create. Think stock trading platform as a canvas and day traders as artists, or Instagram vs. creators, or creation of a radio vs. DJs and performers, or Airbnb and hosts (who are creative with their spaces!), and so on.

Almost in every case, building a canvas is way more profitable that being an artist. Being a top-tier artist can earn you a hundred million dollars, but building a platform can make you a multibillionaire.

As one saying goes, “During the goldrush, sell shovels”.

When we were starting out 500px, we had a choice — just be two photographers working together, doing weddings and commercial work, or to build 500px and help empower millions of photographers around the world. At least now you know what we chose to do.

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Ev Tchebotarev
ART + marketing

Building Helping creators unleash their power with a blockchain. Previously: Sloika, Skylum, 500px.