Facebook Needs to Make It Easier to Report Stolen Videos

Scott Monty
ART + marketing
Published in
3 min readMay 22, 2016


Dear Mark Zuckerberg & Sheryl Sandberg,

It’s quite a thing when nearly 10% of Facebook’s population has seen a single video. This kind of shared experience is something that I truly believe can help bring us closer together. I’m of course referring to the charming and delightful video that Candace Payne shared this week, which then became the most viewed Facebook Live video ever.

Since that video made its way across many Facebook profiles and news outlets, it’s become a huge hit, with over 120 million views and counting(and o nly about 1,000 of those are from me and my family watching it repeatedly).

But the thing is, I’ve seen the same video uploaded to Pages that don’t own it. They’ve scraped it from Candace’s profile and uploaded it to Facebook as their own, and they’re getting millions of views of content that is not their intellectual property. There are even entire pages dedicated to posting stolen videos.

Make reporting frictionless

I’d love to be able to report these pages or even each individual video, but Facebook doesn’t make that possible if the content isn’t mine. Go ahead and try reporting this video yourself and see what the options are.

This isn’t my content, but I KNOW it’s been stolen from someone else.
Wish I could

I know Facebook has championed “frictionless sharing” as part of its user experience mantra. Well, if intellectual property is stolen and uploaded as part of that sharing process, shouldn’t “frictionless reporting” be present on the other end? Otherwise, you’ve turned on the spigot of intellectual property theft without the means of slowing it.

While Rights Manager is a great set of tools for the video content owner, there’s still nothing to assist those with watchful eyes who want to help. To ask an individual to submit a report on every instance of their video being stolen is a solution that simply doesn’t scale — nor is it feasible if they can’t see a particular Page or Profile. But if other community-minded people see an infraction across a multitude of Facebook Pages and Profiles, they should have the power to report it.

Next steps: my hope

I hope that the Facebook team (a) looks at the infractions against Candace, Kohl’s and any other thousands of individuals and brands that are being affected by this practice; (b) takes action against those who are violating Facebook’s policies and the intellectual property rights of the same; and (c) improves the reporting process for third parties who can help by reporting the infractions.

Thank you for taking the time to read and share this. I hope you make someone a #HappyWookie by taking action.



Scott Monty
ART + marketing

Strategic communications & leadership advisor and speaker. I build better leaders, communicators & humans. #TimelessLeadership More: http://linktr.ee/scottmonty