Habit Swap

Mindfully Seeking Quality Over Quantity

Gail Boenning
ART + marketing
2 min readJan 29, 2018


Photo Credit: Gail Boenning 2017

Dear Friends,

I’ve made a switch — two switches. First, out of necessity, I’ve stopped mindlessly consuming mini candy bars. My metabolism simply refuses to keep up with the empty calories. Instead, I treat myself to a rectangle of fine chocolate on occasion — okay, daily.

To fully enjoy the decadence, I sit down, break the bar into small pieces and allow each jagged shape to melt in my mouth. When the rectangle is gone, I do not find myself wishing for another. I’m satisfied.

I’ve done the same with my reading habit. I’ve backed away from mindlessly consuming articles from the internet. Combined with the move to more satisfying chocolate, I’m digging into meaty books and movies with expansive themes. The enriching stories delight my mind’s palate. I’m harvesting thoughts and ideas to plant in my own written garden.

Why the switch? Well, there comes a time when we’re simply ready to explore beyond what’s familiar and comfortable. To grow as a writer — to bring my readers more value — it’s time to shake things up. I’m digesting richer information with the expectation that I’ll grow a sturdier body of work.

I hope you’ll find my articles and letters to be a resource for your own curious explorations.

Please take what serves you and leave the rest behind. If you reach out to me, know that I’ll reach back — connection is what this is about.



If you haven’t heard my big news, let me share! I’ve started a bi-weekly newsletter. I promise to keep it short and impactful. Above is the intro from this weeks letter. If your inbox can hold one more connection, know that I’ll be working hard to offer big bang for your reading minutes. :) Sign up here.

