How Can Video Help Your B2B Efforts?

ART + marketing
Published in
3 min readFeb 1, 2017
“silver laptop computer on table” by rawpixel on Unsplash

The Internet is predominantly about online videos these days. People have begun to express and share their thoughts almost entirely through online video form. No wonder most of industry experts and influncers consider video as one of top digital marketing trends you should be keeping an eye.

Furthermore, making video content has become straightforward and fun for users worldwide. The same thing is happening with B2B (business-to-business) and e-commerce, where more and more publishers are utilizing video as a means of growing their businesses — be they large or small.

Brand Recognition in a Competitive B2B Market

The market now offers an increasingly wider assortment of digital channels where they can potentially give their own brands the exposure it needs. Video can play an important role here giving your viewers a memorable experience on which brand recognition can be build. But remember, it takes only few seconds to capture someones attention. According to this research 20 % of online video viewers click away from a video in the first 10 seconds.

Use Video To Complement Your Other Efforts

Video content can fit into what you already have planned, help you create lasting connections with your audience, and move your metrics where you want them. Having a video in your popular blog post or in your CTA (call to action) tweet can significantly increase engagement of your visitors.

Video Is A Versatile Tool In It’s Own Right

Product video, How-to video, Event invitation video, 101 Lessons, Explainer video etc. Need we say more?

One Video, Multi Channel Exposure

By now you surely know your video strategy needs Facebook, YouTube and native (website) online video player. With just one video made nowadays you are able to fight for attention on each of these, with somewhat different approach. While visitors of your website enjoy all the benefits of modern day online video players you can additionally monetize your video content through it. At the same time, with the same video and with proper SEO, second largest search engine with over billion users, YouTube, awaits. Finally, compelling post with your video can do a lot for your business on FaceBook.

Everybody is turning to video. Major companies are expanding and improving their in-house tech towards mobile devices, as well as desktop taking video to new landscape. What will be you be doing?

Originally published at on February 1, 2017. Updates for Medium September 18, 2018.

Read on…the links :-)


I’d like to share few links here for your further reading that can help you understand the topic better:

Six brilliant examples of B2B video content (& why they’re so good)
5 Examples of Awesome B2B Video Marketing
Why B2B Video Marketing Strategies Are Evolving in 2018
6 Types of B2B Video and When to Use Them

Now, Over to you!

Alright! Now really over to you … first of all, if you like what you have read here please CLAP IT and SHARE IT and FOLLOW me :-) Second, hit me with your thoughts on content marketing. Leave a comment in the comment section below! and THX for reading!



ART + marketing

A dad, extreme sports wannabe, a geek looking to leave his mark on the volatile and exciting online video scene with