How I got over 3000 emails in 3 days

Mikhail Levkovsky
ART + marketing
Published in
4 min readJan 23, 2017

As any good entrepreneur/marketer should know emails are the lifeline to your business. Having a well converting email funnel can be the difference between making thousands of dollars a day, to spending a ton of money on Mailchimp and not seeing anything in return. The question then becomes, how do I get all of those emails?

Your email popup probably converts around 5% (unless you’ve been a/b testing it for a while now) meaning you would need 60 000 page views in order to get those 3000 emails. So how can we do this quickly and cheaply?

Run a Contest

One of the best ways to generate buzz around your product is to run some sort of contest. This is exactly what I did at Spoil in order to increase our mailing list. Before running one yourself, here is a quick checklist of things you should do beforehand:

Decide on your campaign:

Will you be running a

  • Contest: where people compete for a prize
  • Giveaway: where people would give their information and a random winner is picked
  • Promotion: where everyone who signs up will get a prize.

Determine Your Goal:

Do you want to:

  • Grow your subscriber list
  • Increase your social following
  • Generate sales thru coupons and other means

Figure out a compelling offer:

This is BY FAR the most important step! Make people care about your product and your contest. If you can’t do that, then all hope is lost. Think about what makes your business unique. At Spoil, being a gifting company and all, we offered a gift on your birthday… FOR LIFE. How dope is that! If you need help coming up with an offer sign up below and I will give you a hand 👇

Set Up Your Contest

I used an AMAZING tool called KickoffLabs. I have looked at a lot of different options, but this one was by far the best and easiest to setup. On top of that they have a 30 day free trial, and in 30 days you should know if your campaign is successful or not.

This was our landing page. Easy to fill out with an obvious incentive. All of the content was above the fold as well.

This was our Thank You Page. Notice how right away I am asking the person who just entered our contest to share with their network.

I also added an exit intent email collection. This was responsible for 15% of the emails alone.

Copy and offering is key, so make sure to A/B test everything you do.

Pro tip: Kickofflabs does webinars every other Tuesday and reviews different landing pages. Submit yours and get some feedback from them.

Don’t Forget About The Emails

The contest does not end there. Make sure to set up your follow up emails.

There are three types of follow up emails you can automate with KickoffLabs

  • Automatic Reply Emails: Let the contestant know that they have signed up successfully. Also include a shareable link telling them how they can increase their chances of winning.
  • Influencer Emails: Sent out if the contestant had somebody sign up thru their email. Use this as an opportunity to thank them and flatter them for being influential. Something along the lines off: “Wow, you’re on 🔥 getting all those people to sign up! Keep sharing your link and double your chances of winning!” Obviously, include their own shareable link.
  • Incentive Emails: If you set up incentives (i.e. invite 3 friends and get X, invite 5 friends and get Y), then this email will get sent out once the milestones are hit. Use this as an opportunity to push the contestants up a higher tier of reward. Remember, incentives need to be achievable! Nobody wants an incentive of: refer 100 friends and get free toothpaste.


Your campaign is all setup, your are visibly shaking from excitement, you finally publish it, aaand…

nothing is happening. Remember, you still have to tell people about it.

My recommendation is to look up giveaway, contest and coupon websites and register your campaign there. Why? Because although the initial people that might sign up won’t spend any money with you, they are passionate about free stuff and will share with their social network. Then those people will share with their social network, so on and so forth.

You can also hit up a bunch of different subreddits related to your niche. Get your current customer base involved as well.

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Mikhail Levkovsky
ART + marketing

Code. Ship. Repeat. Build great things with great people. cofounder @configtree