How to Launch an E-commerce Store in 5 Easy Steps

Shruti Baveja
ART + marketing
Published in
5 min readJan 17, 2019

When people often think about launching an e-commerce store, they always get intimidated with the nitty-gritty involved in building it.

What if I tell you that you can launch an online store from the comfort of your home and you just need a domain to start with?

Yes, it’s true. It becomes “as easy as pie” with Fagnum. So, if you have an idea in mind and want people to know and explore or you would like to make a leap from offline to online, then Fagnum is a place where you should come to.

We will provide you with elegant and neat e-commerce website where you can enjoy all the features to manage and grow your business.

Let’s go through the essentials required in launching an e-commerce store:

1. Select your e-commerce niche

Choosing your niche is the most critical step in launching an e-commerce business. E-commerce niche means narrowing down your e-commerce category in which your product falls like ‘Lifestyle’ is a broader term whereas ‘home decor’ is a narrowed down category. Niche is basically the title of your business. For instance, if you check the Amazon website you will find out so many categories and departments of all the products you want to buy. Such categorisation helps you being specific and also comes as a convenient option for your customers. So, if you have a product in mind that you want to launch make sure you have a niche too.

2. Choose a revenue model

Now, once you have decided the niche for your business, the most important question you need to answer is “How will I make money?”

When it comes to selling products online, there are various revenue models ranging from direct product selling to subscription-based models.

The major factor in deciding a revenue model is identifying the source of your revenue.

You can stick to any of these revenue streams for your business:
-Product Sales
-Service Sales
-Advertising Sales
-License Fees or commission.

By choosing one or more form of revenue stream, you can make a revenue model for your e-commerce business.

3. Secure brand name and online presence

Before setting up your website, choose a brand name that connects with your target audience. After selecting the brand name, it’s time to get it registered.

There are many legal formalities required for setting up a business, make sure don’t skip any of it. Get all the business license and permits before you start operating.

While choosing the domain name of your website, always try to opt the dot-com version even if you have to pay for premium. It’s not at all necessary that your business name and your site name should be identical but keeping it that way is beneficial.

Once you register yourself on a domain, secure all social handles for your website.

Getting the logo and visuals ready comes under the next step. If you have enough budget, you can hire a freelancer from Fiverr or go for a marketing agency to get all these ready for you otherwise you can develop these on your own through online tools like canva.

4. Online Store

You’ve got everything ready and now is the time to create your own website.

Finalize a theme or get a website layout ready with the help of a freelance designer. With fagnum, you can get a website ready in a shockingly fast time frame.

Their dashboard is quite intuitive and easy to use which you can even use without any coding experience.

In addition to that, you can get access to several tools like inventory management dashboard, invoice generator tool, accounting software and much more which helps you in running your business smoothly.

5. Marketing your products online

Fagnum will make everything easy for you to introduce your product in the market, now you need to figure out how you’re going to put your products in front of your audience?

Since you’ve just launched your e-commerce store, you have to promote it both inbound and outbound means. You won’t have enough site authority initially so acquire customers organically takes time.

You need to jot down a rock-solid SEO strategy and aim for low hanging fruits to generate some traffic initially. Once your site gains authority, you can start targeting high competitive keywords in your niche.

If you want to acquire customers from the very first day, start with paid advertising. Launch paid campaigns on Google, Pinterest, Facebook that also includes which is quite popular these days to start promoting your products.

To get better results from paid advertising- set up your conversion pixels to track every single sale. The more data and information you have about your audience, the more targeted ads you can run and the quicker you grow your business.

6. Logistics

Logistics are basically, how you are going to manage your business, starting from purchase to the delivery of the products to an end consumer.

You need to figure out whether you can have an in house team who takes care of the processing of your orders or you can choose a drop shipping model, where the third party vendor takes care of the fulfilment.

For selling smaller items like t-shirts and phone cases, processing orders through in-house teams become manageable but for bigger and costly products it’s better to choose somebody who knows their work better than you.

As there are immense shipping options available, choose someone who has positive reviews in the market. Since their delivering your products, the packaging and experience should be flawless so that your customers love doing business with you.

Launching your e-commerce require careful planning and powerful strategy. By following this checklist, you can launch it relatively quickly.

What are you waiting for? Start your e-commerce business which you’re always passionate about.



Shruti Baveja
ART + marketing

A virtual assistant. Assisting Entrepreneur and Small Business owner in growing their online business.