How Intermittent Yoga Poses Help Artists

Tom LaBaff
ART + marketing
Published in
3 min readDec 6, 2017

As a visual artist, I spend a massive amount of time hunched over a computer, tablet, or drawing pad. I’ve tried nearly everything to alleviate the stiffness and pain in my back, neck, and shoulders. Standing desks, ergonomic chairs, bouncy balls, support wraps, massage therapy, aspirin, oxy, and even electric shock therapy.

But nothing has helped more than yoga.

I believe though, the key is to embed this practice throughout your entire workday. I set an egg timer for every 25 minutes (Pomodoro) that reminds me to hop up and do four one — minute poses per mini break. It has completely changed my world. The longevity of my work day has increased dramatically. When I have a long drawing day ahead of me, I know my routine will get me through it painlessly.

I keep a journal in my notebook and try not to ‘break the chain.’ The numbers represent minutes. This looks pretty technical, but since I’m my own production manager, it’s the only way I will stick to it.

Today’s chain. Don’t break the chain!

I try to mix it up. I tend to really look forward to this at the end of every 25 min. Now, it will likely seem distracting at first. Like someone is pulling you away from your work. But try it. I promise if you get through and make it a habit, it will do wonders. Before doing this practice, I used to call it a day at 4 pm because my spine would just feel all achy.

If you’re going to try this, I recommend starting with some easy poses. Not this backbend. That will take you a little while. Also, make the first minute pose a standard ‘sun salutation set’ to grease the wheels and warm up your muscles.

5 benefits of camel pose for artists:

+ improves posture

+ strengthens spine, arms, and wrists

+ stretches chest, lungs, shoulders, and abdomen

+ firms the butt

+ stimulates abdominal organs

+ helps relieve mild depression, fatigue, and sciatica

+ therapeutic for asthma


I can go all day without neck, back, or shoulder cramping because of yoga. It’s better than any drug in my opinion. It makes sense if you think about it. I don’t know why I’m so surprised. Every 25 min of sitting deserves four minutes of blood flow and nerve stimulation. This allows me to concentrate better and enjoy the work.

Good luck! Oh, and no I don’t do a full practice at the end of the day because that’s my running time! 5 miles to the beach and back three times a week.

See many more of these yoga drawings & tips on my Instagram.

