Michelle Monet
ART + marketing
Published in
2 min readJun 29, 2018

This time, with my 5th book

I’ve learned many lessons

To not take much advice

Like before.

Now I’m writing this book my way

I’ve learned that

And oh, so much more.

This time

I’m not asking opinions

(Because you know what they say about that!)

Everyone has one, so I’ll try to stay clear,

Off of social media and chat.

This time I want to empower


And create how

I choose.

I know no matter what path I pick

In someone’s eyes

I might lose.

This book seems to be writing itself

And I’m not really sure

where its heading

But isn’t that the joy of Creation

Allowing it flow and

Just Letting?

So, I don’t know where this book is going

Will it be one book or five?

Will I separate it into categories?

How will I format the style?

Will I throw it all up on the wall

Just to see what sticks?

I know I long to share my thoughts and

It’s not just for my kicks.

I don’t know how this book is forming

or even what the name will be.

(I’ll figure that out later I know it,

I’m sure it will all come to me)

A friend said ’this book holds the answers…

Your last books were all of the questions’.

That does sound nice I must admit

Hey, new emotional digestions!

So, here I am back at the page

Again, typing new insights

Isn’t that what writers do?

We just wanna sit down

and write.

So, I’m writing this book alone and

The chips will now fall

Where they may.

At least I’ll feel proud that I’m doin’ it

Book 5…

WOOHOO starts today!



Michelle Monet
ART + marketing

Musician. Author. Poet. Seeker. Currently writing Showbiz Memoir and Broadway style Musical. My 5 books are on Amazon. Contact: 1020monet@gmail.com