It’s not what’s yours, It’s what you share

ART + marketing
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3 min readOct 6, 2017

Sometimes we spend so much energy serving the needs of others that we lose sight of ourselves. Whether you’ve been in this situation before or not, these six books about women finding themselves from Read It Forward, our sponsor, will empower you to take more control of your own life.

Heyo, you beautiful creative heartfelt reader. Here’s the rundown on what to read this weekend.


“Ghosts of Artists are Alive and Well inside Paintings” by Carol McClain Craver. Her take on inspiration: “inside the art world, vibrations of life from dead artists abound. Spirits come from just around the bend in this river of time we’re all caught in. If we’re lucky, their ghosts will walk beside us for a while and push back this pounding world.”

“How to Not Be Perfectionist” by Christine Nishiyama. Starting from one of life’s most important questions, “Is perfection really necessary every time I eat a taco?” This post is a great reminder that “the point of art is to make the art and share the art.”

Following A Hurricaneby Sarah Joy Shockey. From the author: “A piece for my friend Lindsay, a Harvey survivor; and created with love for others experiencing similar circumstances.”


Six Ways to Influence Anybody” by Anthony Vicino. They are (1) Reciprocation, (2) Commitment and Consistency, (3) Social Proof, (4) Authority, (5) Liking, & (6) Scarcity.

“Starting things is scary.” by Alex Mathers. In the author’s own words: “When we finish things often, we have a shot at making a dent in this silly Universe.”

“Where Are Our Guts?” by Robert Cormack. Originality! Guts! Take yours back. This call to arms goes (1) Be the Story, (2) Have the Guts to Say Something, (3) Make Your Audience Feel, (4) Don’t Follow the Pack— and highlights one of Hunter S. Thompson’s timeless assessments, “As far as I’m concerned, it’s a damned shame that a field as potentially dynamic and vital as journalism should be overrun with dullards, bums, and hacks, hag-ridden with myopia, apathy, and complacence, and generally stuck in a bog of stagnant mediocrity.”


Advertising Isn’t Storytellingby Mac Schwerin. The top highlight is a Hector Hugh Munro quote (penn name = Saki!): “In baiting a mousetrap with cheese, always leave room for the mouse.”

Building a brand for your app — Bumble case study” by Carissa Lintao. Great case study about how an app was built (flipping the Tinder model on it’s head), and how the amazing billboard atop this page became a reality.

“When and Why Micro-Influencers Could Make A Huge Impact On Your Marketing Campaign” by Justin Rezvani. This Forbes 30 Under 30 alum writes “if you’re looking to reach a very specific type of person, or share a highly targeted branded message, you can take that same budget, break it up into dozens of smaller pieces, and empower an army of micro-influencers.”

ART + marketing is all about how it’s made and how it’s distributed.

Kind Regards,

David Smooke, @AMI

P.P.S. Sometimes we spend so much energy serving the needs of others that we lose sight of ourselves. Whether you’ve been in this situation before or not, these six books about women finding themselves from Read It Forward, our sponsor, will empower you to take more control of your own life.



ART + marketing Elijah McClain, George Floyd, Eric Garner, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Michael Brown, Oscar Grant,