Making This One Change To Your Mental Approach Will Help You Achieve Success

Robert Glazer
ART + marketing
Published in
3 min readApr 19, 2018

Understanding the fundamental difference between a prism and a laser can predict success in life and business.

Allow me to explain.

A laser takes light and amplifies it, turning it into a powerful, focused force. It creates heat.

By contrast, a prism refracts light and disperses it into several different color streams that lack any heat or power.

I can’t think of a better analogy to describe different people’s approaches to life and achievement.

A great example of this is what I will call the “prism entrepreneur,” who, for conceptual purposes only, we will refer to as Paul.

I have met a lot of Paul’s over the years. After some early success in his business, Paul gets over-confident and distracted. He starts doing a lot of new and different things and gets excited about starting (not finishing) new projects and businesses. His thought process is that, by putting a lot of his time into more things and dispersing his energy, he’ll be more successful.

Here’s the rub with this approach: if I check back with Paul 6–12 months later, he’ll most likely have started losing (or lost) focus, his initial business will have hit an “unexpected” rough patch, and the new projects/businesses that he started are either in trouble or shuttered.

Are there exceptions to this? Sure. But more often than not, this is the typical trajectory.

Prism entrepreneurs like Paul are often doing a lot, but are not getting a lot done. While it can feel rewarding in the moment, they are riding the hamster wheel.

I speak from experience as I’ve been Paul many times in my career. I have learned through repeated failure, however, that doing more has almost never worked.

From my experience, better outcomes occur by stepping back, doing less, and simplifying my life or business.

On the flip side is the “laser entrepreneur,” who we will call Lisa. Lisa is focused, has a plan and, upon seeing early success, she does not deviate course or get distracted. When Lisa sees that her plan is working, she doubles down on her current strategy, stays the course, and focuses on excellence and being the leader in her market.

She eliminates distractions and stops doing things that don’t support her goals or values. Almost always, she achieves success faster than she could have imagined.

I think many of us tend to get enamored with the Paul’s.

Our perception is that people who do a lot — renaissance men/women, if you will — are more successful. The reality is that most of the data and real-world experience shows the opposite.

We only have so much time and energy to give. As such, applying it in a focused way produces better results.

What might confuse us, however, is that there are many people who look like Paul’s, but are really Lisa’s. They have a carefully selected portfolio of business, interests, or activities that support the same long-term goals and values. And not only do they reinforce each other congruously, there’s often a multiplier effect.

2018 is well under way. As you head into a new month of a new year, it’s time to decide… do you want to be a Lisa or a Paul?

Taking that a step further, it’s also the time to identify the Lisa’s and Paul’s in your teams and in your life.

The best advice I would give anyone is, pick a direction or focus, simplify, and eliminate distractions. Don’t let everyone else’s priorities or distractions become yours.

Robert Glazer is the founder and CEO of Acceleration Partners and the author of the international bestselling book Performance Partnerships. Join 35,000 global leaders who follow his inspirational weekly Friday Forward or invite him to speak.



Robert Glazer
ART + marketing

CEO of Acceleration Partners, international keynote speaker, author and columnist at @Inc, @Forbes @Entrepreneur. Follow my leadership e-mail.