“Meda Legend” — The 21st century legend written by humans!

ART + marketing
Published in
2 min readNov 27, 2016

Everybody can contribute to write the most fantastic story and make history !!

Trough history, all the major civilizations expressed their collective hopes and fears by the mean of legends.

Various heroes from Gilgamesh for the Sumerians to Hercules for the Greeks, have shaped the collective values and dreams shared the populations in their large spectrum, something we can call today “Crowd Wisdom”.

These legends, was slowly brewed mouth to mouth, sculpted and finally bonded together by some genius minds, to form amazing literature that all of us have at some point come trough, have read and have built magnificent dreams around.

Theses legends even being fantasist, have got us acquainted to the humans of that ages on the strongest mean “ The feelings mean “.

Actual Technology, give us now unprecedented ways of communication and removed all the geographic, cultural and chronological barriers to share our hopes and fears.

We believe at MEDA LEGEND, that the time has come for all humans across the globe to produce a UNIVERSAL LEGEND

Meda Legend Project :

Our startup is actually building the platform to let thousands of people across the globe, collaborate to write the universal legend.

The Story will be written one episode at a time, going through the following steps :

1 — Brute Gem : Here anybody can submit the story line of the following episode, without going into detailed narratives or style exercises only the essence of the story is to be captured.

2 — Sculpted Gem : Here the story line will be developed,enriched and sculpted to form the main text.

3- Shining Gem : speaks for it self ;) (Proof reading ……).

All the process can be contributed to by anybody how wants to. There will be no central control We believe in CROWD WISDOM.

The process will be repeated for each new episode, a voting system will be used to pick the winning Shinning Gem that will continue the story.

We will launch the BETA VERSION SOON………

I will write Episode 0

Ninety Nine (99) BETA USERS Will Collaborate to Episode 1

To be selected among the 99 original founders of the universal legend and make history.

Finally, you should have guess it Our legendary hero name is MEDA get used to it!!!

