My bug list

Problems and questions I’d like to solve or answer in some way.

Sam Griffiths
ART + marketing
1 min readJul 21, 2017


This is a bit of an experiment. My hypothesis is that by intentionally looking for and listing problems and questions I will provide myself with a reservoir of insights and starting points for future projects. I’m sharing this process in case it proves to be valuable, and to record learnings along they way.

My aim is to identify at least one interesting problem or question every week. And to find at least one problem or question that’s genuinely non-trivial per month.

Over time I will link these statements to responses made to them so you can see what they lead to.

Wednesday 26 July 2017

How can I build a following for the work I want to do?

What should I be doing to market myself?

How can I encourage myself to cook more interesting, new and more varied things?

How to build exercise into your routine and stick with it?

Wednesday 9 August 2017

How to help encourage a fairer distribution of wealth?

How to help people see the value in personality types that are different to your own?

Thursday 1 February 2018

Blimey, that was a bit of a break. Well here are a few more bugs I’d like to fix:

How to make my commute more interesting?

How to make workshops more effective?

How to be playful every day?



Sam Griffiths
ART + marketing

I want to make things more playful. It’s fun and it makes the world a better place. Want more play in your life? Sign up for my newsletter