No Rags, No Bones, No Bottles Today

Davy Carren
ART + marketing
Published in
2 min readApr 2, 2018


(photo: Marcia Halperin)

In the future they’re going to advertise behind your eyelids when you sleep. Your dreams will be the stuff that millions are made on. All of your hopes and fears and aspirations and most personal demons will be collected and sifted through by an anonymous agency that will then use that information to pigeonhole you into buying whatever products they deem necessary to sell to you, and you will be flattered by their insightful attention to your needs, and you will feel that your life has great purpose because of it, and because of these products that you have purchased. You will not have to worry about making choices; they will already have been made for you. Feeling tired? Well, you’ll wake up to a new purchase of just the right “iREM” pillow and a new “sensually smooth and soft” comforter in your virtual shopping cart. Everything will be easy. You will not have to fret over what to do with your time here on earth. You will have complete freedom from choice, and will no longer be aware of the difference between freedom to and freedom from. You will not have to know things; all knowledge will be stored for you at a massive data-mining-and-storage facility, and if needed, it will be delivered at a small charge for you to use for a limited time, and then it will be deleted from the chip implant in your brain to free up space for advertisers to use. Life will be so simple and easy. You won’t have to waste time doing chores, cooking meals, or going shopping. All of your wants will be taken care of by giant corporations who will deliver food and clothes and all other products to you by drone three times a day. Your communication with others will take place inside your head, your chip implant sending and receiving messages along with a constant barrage of advertisements with the ease of thought. Also, any thought you have will be copied and stored in another one of the thousands of data-mining-and-storage facilities. All factories will be operated by machines. All cars will drive themselves. Even the birds will be mechanical, and they will be operated by remote control, and their songs will be made of ringtones. Everyone will be content to stay inside their small room, living by rote, keeping fit on exercise “ePads” under fluorescent “iSun” lights while watching programs flashed into their eyes by their implants; and citizens will stay out of complicated matters such as politics, letting corporations determine their leaders for them. There will be no jobs. Everyone will receive a predetermined stipend to live on. Wars will be fought by robots who do not fall asleep counting electric sheep. Everyone will be so happy.

