Sorry, But You Need to Post on Instagram Stories If You Want to Increase your Followers

Instagram Stories are the Future

Daniel González
ART + marketing
6 min readAug 29, 2018


“Soldiers in formation dressed in red military civil war clothing and black hats holding wooden rifles” by Matt Briney on Unsplash

Instagram Stories was born in mid 2016. It currently has more than 300 million active users. That’s more than the number of users SnapChat has. That makes instagram stories the fastest-growing feature in history.

The problem with its rapid growth is that people misuse Instagram Stories.

People don’t know how to use stories in the right way

  • It’s hard to share quality content in this format
  • They don’t manage to engage with the audience
  • Generate poor visibility

Instagram stories use them too badly. Sometimes they lose followers instead of winning them

In spite of everything, we must understand that designing a good campaign is simple.

“A woman holding an iPhone with the Instagram app open in a street” by Toni Hukkanen on Unsplash

How to develop an Instagram Stories campaign?

The easiest way to position yourself on the stories is by publishing exclusive content on it

The idea is to create a subtopic of our brand. A subtopic that we will only talk about in instagram stories.

For example

  • If you have an exercise account you could talk about how to avoid injuries in a gym
  • If you have a clothing store you could give fashion tips
  • If you offer a training service you could tell about the experiences of people using your services
  • If you are developing your own personal brand you could share a little idea every day in the stories

There are many things You can share on Instagram stories. The important thing is to have creativity and be willing to share content.

How to share content for instagram stories?

It is different to share content for the instagram stories than for the feed. They are two different formats and styles.

However, I make a list of how to publish in the instagram stories:

“A man getting ready to sprint on a running track” by William Stitt on Unsplash

No more than 10 publications per day

This is not a general rule, it’s only a piece of advice I give you.

Unlike the feed, in the stories, we can publish several times a day. We will never saturate our audience with Instagram stories.

We can see influencers like Gary Vaynerchuk publishing several times a day without worrying.

However, it is very important to note that more than 10 publications per day don’t make sense. We could saturate the audience.

Worse still, we would be making a pointless effort.

It’s useless to publish 10 publications in the same day and then not publish anything the rest of the week.

It’s better to manage our content for instagram stories.

Anyway, the number of publications we do in the instagram stories isn’t as relevant as the message we want to share.

Publish in Vertical Format

Instagram stories were born to be in vertical format

It is too tedious to have to turn the phone to see the story of a person.

It is awful. Sometimes I prefer to move on to the next story instead of turning the phone.

Don’t waste time publishing horizontally. The default format for instagram stories is vertical.

Create your own Newsletter for instagram

There are many accounts that are using this strategy. What they do is select one day a week to publish content of value in the instagram stories.

  • If you are a news account, you can have one day a week where you post the most important news.
  • If you are a backpacker, you can have a day where you post the 5 places you visited this week.
  • If you are a writer, you can publish the 10 articles that you liked the most during the week.
  • If you are a clothing store, you can publish interesting news from the fashion world one day a week.

You are free to publish what you want.

However, I will give you a series of tips if you are going to create your own newsletter for instagram:

Have a cover

The first photo you will always post in Instagram stories is to tell the audience what you are going to talk about.

People won’t understand what you say if you don’t explain. You need to tell them what you’re going to talk about.

Otherwise, they will say: “What is this crazy man talking about?”

The idea is that your audience knows what you are going to talk about.

Over time, people will associate your cover and know that value comes later.

Having a back cover

As the cover is necessary, the back cover is also necessary.

Your audience needs to know when you finish talking. Otherwise, they will continue to wait and wait and You will annoy them

You should take advantage to always end with a Call To Action. To finish telling your audience to share this amazing material that you did.

The back cover is also a good way to separate the contents of your stories.

Suppose that in the morning you published content in the stories. And then you went to a meetup of influencers and shared photos with several of them. The back cover will serve to divide each of the moments. It will serve not to confuse the audience.

Do the simple things

The instagram stories are for posting simple things. To not be hours in photoshop only to post a photo.

Nothing of what happens on instagram stories. You can even use the elements that instagram offers. You can write a message in the instagram text. You can add filters to your photos. You can place GIF.

The instagram stories are so great that they make everything easier for you.

Anyway, if you want to do things a little more elaborate.

I recommend you use these pages 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇

Subtitles in the videos

If you are going to post a video, never forget to place the subtitles.

People have the phone silent by default. It is more likely that we stop watching the video to have to look for some headphones or upload the audio.

With only placing subtitles you avoid that problem to the audience.

Understand that instagram isn’t youtube.

When a person is on Instagram, he’s usually driving, talking to a friend, working, or in the supermarket queue. And in each of those situations, it’s unlikely that the person turns on their audio.


When someone is watching videos on youtube it is usually in “netflix & chill” mode. He’s on the bed or on the sofa resting without doing anything.

It’s important to understand the difference between these two moments.

What can you do now?

You already know the secrets to create a good instagram campaign. A campaign that is quite successful.

You have no excuse for not creating your own Instagram campaign. You have all the elements to do it.

Now everything depends on you.

If you want to know more about Instagram. I invite you to read my other articles 👇👇👇👇👇



Daniel González
ART + marketing

I left COLLEGE because I had no MONEY. Now I'm a BARTENDER and I write about how an ECOLOGICAL and SUSTAINABLE BAR would be.