Ten Thousand Followers

The amazing story of all you awesome people

Gideon M-K; Health Nerd
ART + marketing
3 min readJan 21, 2018


There aren’t any good stock photos of “ten thousand”, so this piece will just have lots of kittens

I started writing a blog in May 2016, partly because I kept writing rants on Facebook that apparently were “too good not to be online somewhere”, and partly because I was bored after my Master’s degree and wanted something to do with my Sunday mornings.

Sleeping in, of course, was never an option.

This is Luna. Luna is my 6am alarm clock. Every. Single. Day

18 months later, and I’ve written about 100,000 words, been published in all sorts of places, and am now getting regular offers to pitch to major publications — more on this in the coming months.

And most importantly of all, I got to 10,000 followers. This time last year, it was 100 and about half of them were related to me.

All in all, it’s been a good year.

Pictured: Getting what you always wanted

So what’s in store for the Health Nerd? You’ll be happy to know that this year I’ve applied for a PhD with the University of Wollongong, which is actually super exciting and not scary like it feels to me sometimes. I’m also going to be — hopefully — releasing some episodes of a podcast that I’ve started with a brilliant co-host. The topic will be science in the media and I’m really excited to introduce all of you to my dulcet tones over the airwaves.

I’m so much less awkward than I am in text.

What does all of this activity mean to the blog? Nothing! I’ll still be aiming for my regular one health story a week on Medium, as well as an extra member’s-only article a month for all you subscribers who love that extra content.

Pictured: “Extra content”

To sum up, I’d just like to say thank you to you all. I’d never have made it here without all you brilliant people following me and making this all worthwhile. It was a fantastic 2017, and 2018 shows every sign of being brilliant as well.

I can’t wait to see what’s in store.

If you’re a brilliant person, let me know by clicking the clap button below, or you can follow me on twitter, facebook, medium, or send me an email at gidmk.healthnerd@gmail.com

