The 8 Ideal Pointers That Make Millennials’ Ventures A Success

Helen Cartwright
ART + marketing
Published in
5 min readOct 3, 2018

Business Success- the Millennial Way

Millennials are the description given to young entrants to the business world. Millennials are the future entrepreneurs in the business and financial world. They are young persons who were born between the year 1980 and the year 2000. Like generations before them, they also work towards business success. However, unlike generations before them, they do it their way and have different methods to achieve business success and different goals.

Starting Early

Millennials aim to be young entrepreneurs. They work to start their own businesses in their twenties, unlike previous generations who preferred to become entrepreneurs after they reached the ages of 30 or 35. They prefer the flexibility of making their own decisions because they often find that their values conflict with employers. Statistics have shown that millennials have successfully started and managed more than twice the number of businesses than previous generations.


Millennials respect achievers. They don’t merely employ those who show promise. They work with and look for employees who execute their plans correctly and work towards achieving the goals set by them. They also support and mentor their employees with a view to making everyone profits in their enterprise. Their focus is to be productive rather than merely working long hours. They perform tasks like missions rather than by merely adhering to daily routine schedules.

Earning Respect

Millennials make efforts to earn the respect of their bosses and employees. They work in ways that provide efficient solutions to problems at work. They make efforts to understand the task at hand and find ways of not only completing the task but making the result more effective and efficient. They also make efforts to earn the respect of their employees when they become entrepreneurs. They follow the values of previous generations by respecting the time of others. Millennial employers and employees are not merely ideas people today, they have become solutions people. They make efforts to learn from others to earn their respect. They stay a step ahead by anticipating how superiors or peers are likely to respond to corporate situations.


Some habits of millennials have made them very successful at business enterprises. They are young and adventurous and are ready to face and deal with any unexpected occurrence. They have the advantages of modern technological advancements and make optimum use of online media. They focus on personal development and meaningful employment. Millennials ask questions and seek information constantly and do not stop until they are completely satisfied with answers. They are happy to learn and evolve with the help of mentors. They create workplace settings that suit millennial employees. This helps millennial employees thrive as compared to a traditional workplace setting. Millennials collaborate more than they complete. They make efforts to work as a team and the business environment in a millennial owned business is always team oriented.

Successful Millennial Businesses

Millennials make optimum use of internet technology for business success. Some well-known successful enterprises by millennials include the social network Facebook, the app-based taxi business Uber, the online home-sharing business Airbnb, the online paid music streaming service Spotify and the workspace sharing and allied service for young entrepreneurs called WeWork. All these companies have high valuation turnovers and the work ethos is based on the ideas and ideals of millennials.


Millennials are thrifty entrepreneurs unlike entrepreneurs of previous generations. They give a lot of thought as to where each dollar goes. They make strict budgets and adhere to the budgets. They do not take unnecessary financial risks and since millennials often come from low-income groups they make careful financial choices. They live and do business on tight budgets in the same manner as they lived while studying in college. Their investments are conservative compared to investments made by previous generations. They use modern mechanisms and embrace modern technology to make wise financial decisions. They prefer robot advisers to human advisors when planning their finances. While previous generations relied on information to plan finances and budgets, millennials prefer a personal financial trainer to help them while making financial choices.


Millennials are corporate ethics focused. They prefer creating enterprises with ethical strategies. Millennials build companies with social consciousness. They focus on sustainability rather than immediate profits. They also prefer to genuinely support charities. They do not support charities for the publicity but strive to make a genuine difference to the charity they support. They believe that business should make a positive impact on various social issues like education, health care, climate change and unemployment. They believe that their business should not only make profits but serve a social purpose. They make efforts to provide products and services that are reliable and durable.


Millennials focus on providing value for money products and services. They strive to show the value of their products and services through transparency and clear communication. They know that the product or service should be priced reasonably to attract other millennial customers. They also offer loyalty programs and rewards and periodic discounts and deals to attract other millennial customers.


Millennial entrepreneurs market their products and services to other millennials through a range of channels. They use traditional and online marketing and have successfully marketed products and services through the social media. They market their products and services through mobile apps because millennial customers are constantly using mobile phones and tabs to access information. Millennial entrepreneurs get more customers by marketing products and services through the social media than through any other marketing channel. They keep their social media channels interesting and relevant. They constantly update information on the social media for effectively marketing products and services.

Millennials have revolutionized and revitalized corporate culture. They have ushered in new ethics and new values to the corporate world. They are showing previous generations that commerce can also have a conscience. Despite misgivings of millennials and their new ideas failing in the corporate world, millennials have built large and successful business and changed the way the business world works.

