The best “business books” aren’t even about business… and 12 good ones

Linda Caroll
ART + marketing
Published in
3 min readFeb 28, 2018

According to Google, the phrase “best business books” is searched 18,100 times/mo. Google even displays a slider of some of the top business books; Lean Startup, Good to Great, etc.

Some of the best business books aren’t about business. They’re about people. Human response. Whenever a client asks why they aren’t converting, it’s (almost always) obvious that they don’t understand human response.

Did you know?

For example, did you know that people decide whether your site is trust-worthy or not by non-textual cues? The reptilian brain determines trust, and it can’t read. Decisions are made on gut reaction based on visual cues

Did you know that if you use superlatives it erodes trust instead of establishing it, but if your customer do, then it builds trust?

Did you know that the more “options” you give people, the less likely they are to choose any of them? Or that even if they really want what you sell, if you don’t have a call to action at the bottom of every page, they’re less likely to take any action at all or click through to any other page?

The best thing for your business is to understand people better.

When businesses struggle, it’s usually because people aren’t connecting. Doesn’t matter how many times Google-bot visits or whether you’re on page 1, doesn’t matter how much traffic you get or how many ads you buy if real, live people aren’t clicking, sticking, caring and sharing.

People will forget what you said. people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. — Maya Angelou

Here’s a few good ones... click the covers to view on Amazon…

Fyi, they’re not affiliate links. Just suggestions from one bookworm to another. Hope you find something you enjoy…

Thanks for reading and have a great day! ❤

