The Gatekeeper

Piece 23 of the “33” illustrated art storybook by Meg Konovska

Meg Konovska
ART + marketing
3 min readJun 20, 2018


What business do an earless Monk and a Unicorn have to do with a giant bear? “The Gatekeeper” (detail) by Meg Konovska

This is piece No 23 of the “33” watercolour series by Meg Konovska (*khu-khum*, that would be… ME!).

The series consists of 33 paintings, 33 x 33 cm each. They are all created in the following manner:
• Randomly make 33 dots on the blank sheet, with eyes closed
Connect the dots in a complete contour, without intersecting lines
• The resulting silhouette is developed in a sketch which is completed in colour.

To top it off, each painting is accompanied by an explanation for the unsuspecting observer to consider.

I now give you

The Gatekeeper (available)

Painting 33x33 cm watercolour on 50% cotton acid free paper, 250 gsm. Overall size with framing: 44x44 cm. Mounted behind glass with wooden frame.

An Earless Monk and his Unicorn are begging a giant bear to join their fellowship for an adventure.

The Order of Earless Monks is created as a result of the earless children epidemics caused by vaccination. The Order helps the children to perfect their telepathic skills so that they can compensate for their lack of hearing. Thus they learn to communicate completely in a way of mind and to get information directly from the Primary source.

When they excel at their skills and reach high level, Earless Monks are sent on a mission to travel the world and spread the knowledge among other people affected by the epidemics.

Missionaries have a Unicorn for a companion and fellow. These Unicorns are earless, too. They use their horn as an antenna for receiving instructions from the Order of the Earless Monks. Should any aims and priorities updates occur, or should his companion divert form the mission,the Unicorn spurs him with the horn to remind him and to refresh the information stream.

This illustration shows the Earless Monk Opa Kolyo and his Unicorn Thadeas in front of the gate kept by the friendly giant bear Braden. Beyond the gate are the realms of the Gloomy Vaccinator where he experiments on human and animal babies before launching his vaccines.

Opa Kolyo and Thadeas are trying to convince Braden to let them in and to accompany them through the lands of the Vaccinator so that they can remain unharmed from the many stalking dangers beyond the gates.

*The author does not deny the advantages and needs of vaccinations in general. Rather, she addresses real cases of mass autism caused by use of defective vaccines.
However, I can assure you mistakes were NOT the case with the Gloomy Vaccinator! His evil plot to world domination was involving intentional development of biological weapons in the form of vaccines.

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Meg Konovska
ART + marketing

Artist, designer, author, MEGician. Creative director at — backstage stories from the creative journey.