Things I learned from Casey Neistat…

Aditya Bharadwaj
ART + marketing
Published in
3 min readJun 3, 2018

I am a big Casey fan, I watch all his videos, listen to his podcast and retweet his tweets. I first came to know about him two years ago but I was not a fan back then. But pretty soon I started noticing that every Youtuber that I liked looks up to Casey Neistat. Whether it was MKBHD, Peter Mckinnon, Shonduras or anyone else. They all loved and looked up to Casey, so I thought about watching a few of his videos.

The first video that popped up was “Do what you can’t” and that video did it for me and I became a lifelong fan. I started watching all his videos since then and I can’t stop. And over time I learned a lot of things from this master creator. Below are a few that affected me the most.

Dream Big

Casey started the 368 vlog with a big dream and today it has more than 30 episodes. The vision that Casey has for 368 is huge and he is making a lot of progress to achieve that every day. For example, a lot of the internal design of the 368 office is now complete. He has even started the hiring process for a few posts.

Watching 368 progress day by day like this I feel like I am a failure. I feel like I do not have any big dreams like this. But then I realized that I am already doing something.

I am working on my big dream of writing full-time. I am writing 2–3 blog posts every week despite working a full-time job. And I am pretty sure soon I will be able to achieve that goal. I will become a full-time writer travelling the world in no time.

Action > Intent

Another takeaway that I gather from his videos is that action speaks louder than words. When he posted the first 368 vlog on Youtube, he didn’t just say that he is going to start something. He had already begun, he had hired the contractors and planned how 368 office should look like. He already knew what 368 would be but he didn’t share that. He wanted to show his actions rather just sharing the intent of doing it.

He had a vision, he took action towards it and only then he started talking about it.

This is something that I believe we should all be doing.

Actions > Intent

And I am guilty of doing this myself, I announced that I will start doing something but I never actually did it. So, I need to work on building this habit as well.


Casey has become a virtual mentor to me over the last two years. His videos are entertaining well as inspiring. And if you look between the lines they are knowledgeable as well.

Every day I seek out mentors: people who have great experience to help me, particularly in areas I am new to, excited about, and know nothing about. — James Altucher

Another thing that my virtual mentor taught me is the power being consistent.

Why do you think so many people watch his videos every day? Because of his consistency, he keeps on creating and posting his videos no matter what. And that consistency creates an addiction. I feel like my day is incomplete if I don’t watch his video.

His consistency is what inspired me to write this story last year. And this is something that I believe every kind of content creator should be targeting. To create so much content that the viewer, listener, the reader wants more every day.

I have learned a lot from watching Casey do his thing on Youtube. So I felt that I must share what I have learned with you. These concepts are applicable and valid whatever field you are working in. I am sure this will help you the same way as it helped me. You just have to…

Do what you can’t!



Aditya Bharadwaj
ART + marketing

Bearded philosopher with a motorcycle touring disorder!