Michelle Monet
ART + marketing
Published in
2 min readOct 20, 2017

I woke up to this review of my first book. It was a great birthday present to see it. When just one person ‘gets’ our work it can make it all worthwhile.

I appreciated this. I hardly ever go to my GoodReads account so when I saw this today it gave me a definite morale boost.

I’ve learned so much since beginning my journey into writing. One huge lesson is that :

“I will NOT please everyone and some won’t get me!”

As Brene Brown says ‘I am in the arena though and that’s what matters’.

One of my favorite speeeches on bravery!

Staying brave and connected to WHY we write, in my opinion is key. Not worrying about or even ‘concerning’ ourselves with those who will come out of the woodwork to criticize.

Knowing and staying true to my ‘why’ keeps me fearless and focused , as I approach my next project which is my deep and painful book about my life. Telling my story of surviving years of panic/anxiety issues and a violent husband who almost killed me and left me in South Africa where I was singing.

This all happened 1996 but it feels like yesterday sometimes. I feel BRAVE to commit to writing this. I feel compelled to do it.

It feels like my life calling.

My next goal is to honker down on my half written Memoir! Have any of you been writing memoir? If so Id love to hear how it’s going.

Happy writing everyone!



Michelle Monet
ART + marketing

Musician. Author. Poet. Seeker. Currently writing Showbiz Memoir and Broadway style Musical. My 5 books are on Amazon. Contact: