Use those weekends to stay up longer working on your passion!

Orlando González
ART + marketing
2 min readJun 23, 2018


If you asked me something that I feel that most people don’t get is that you have to grind for a very long time at something until it starts to get any meaningful results.

A week has 7 days and 152 hours in which at least 20 we aren’t doing anything that could make us progress in what we really want to be doing with our lives!

We just passed on a weekend right now, what did you really do Saturday and Sunday? Be honest.

Probably close to nothing but watch series, go out with friends and wake up late. Hey, I am not judging you if that is the life that you want to live but if you are living just for those weekends then you got a long and boring life ahead of you.

Don’t hate Mondays, go to sleep on Sunday waiting for it to be Monday so you can keep on grinding on what you like doing, even if it is after a 9 to 5 work.

Some people don’t get that if they hate going to work from 9 to 5 then they have to put in the time to work on the things that they really like doing in their “off” time!

How else do you think that it is going to happen? Do you think that some fairy is going to come up to you and grant you any wish you’d like? If it happened to you then call me ;)

We all have dreams and goals we want to achieve, yet a lot of us set up bullshit excuses just to sabotage the process.

Let’s stop doing this, let’s work on what is really important for us, let’s work on creating and reaching those goals that others thought that were impossible. Nothing is impossible if we start working on getting there right now!

Much love to every single one of you!

