Want To Know The Secret To Success? It’s Simple Yet Most Do The Opposite

Aurelius Tjin
ART + marketing
Published in
2 min readJun 27, 2018

A new entrepreneur is driven by sales, and launches themselves straight into the pursuit of making them — I’m guilty of this myself.

But what I realized was that I was asking people for their business without giving them any reason to want to buy.

This sales method is outdated.

It’s true that once upon a time the salesperson held all of the cards, but nowadays the power is increasingly with the consumer.

Rather than buying what they’re told to, people are choosing to engage with products and services that they know, like, and trust.

And with so many options at their fingertips, they have every right to be picky.

What stands out to them, just as it would you, is something that gives them greater value.

If you strive to give value, you’re destined to succeed.

Start by sowing seeds that will grow into the information network that reinforces your whole brand.

Imagine having the choice between a toilet cleaner from a company who sold on a bare bones e-commerce site, and one that also provided information on the best way to scrub your toilet, and a video on the secret to removing tough stains.

The second brand makes a connection by offering their customer more than they asked for — they gave value.

The secret to the success of this approach is in the way it quietly builds your credibility.

So when the time comes that they need your product, customers also find all that content that exemplifies your expertise, and commitment to giving them as much as you can.

You stand out amongst your competitors by giving more.

I recommend a book called ‘The Go-Giver,’ which is an book dedicated to giving. Not just in business but in life. Since applying it to my own business I have seen the long-term success that can be attributed to giving customers more wherever I can.

If you want to see the benefits of this in your own business, commit to this idea. Over deliver on your promises, and be responsive to your customers’ needs and problems. Support your product with information that enables them and aim to delight every time you speak.

Giving is a human thing to do, and your customers are human after all. It won’t happen overnight, but supporting your brand by giving value first is a true secret to success.



Aurelius Tjin
ART + marketing

Helping aspiring entrepreneurs start and grow a digital product business. Find me at AureliusTjin.com