Let’s Change Our Thinking

Josh Ramos
ART + marketing


How many times have you heard someone say, “that’s impossible?” Maybe you have said this yourself? The simple truth is, we often victimize ourselves, and then look for people agree with us so we can justify our circumstance, or lack of progress.

I’m going to cut straight to the heart of the matter. You, me and everyone else out there has the same 24 hours in the day. That’s about as “equal” as life is going to get. Period. End of story. Nothing can change it. I believe in you, though. I believe that you can accomplish everything you desire. That doesn’t matter, however, unless YOU believe in YOU.

You see, I don’t believe that life is unfair. I think you play the cards you have been dealt! Ok, so you weren’t born into a rich family. Guess what!? 99% of the world wasn’t either. I sure wasn’t. I’m not sitting here complaining about it. I’m out every single day trying to improve, learn and create a better future.

Some of the greatest people in history weren’t born with a silver spoon in their mouths. Better yet, many people that are born into wealth piss it away and look for their identity in things that provide no true value. That seems like an even worse place to be if you ask me.

Look around you. You have so much to be thankful for! How do I know that? Well, most of the people reading this are on a smart phone or tablet. Boo freaking you. Your life must really suck! Reading an article on your $650 iPad. Sounds like a first world problem to me.

This isn’t to bash anyone. On the contrary, this is meant to lift you up. I hope that this helps to open somebody’s eyes to say, “I can, and I will!” I hope you take on this Monday head on, at 100mph, because the only person who can take care of you, is you. Here are a few things to keep in mind throughout the week:

The only limits that exist are the ones I choose to believe.

Most of the limitations people have set for themselves are just excuses that justify their lack of action. Don’t do this. We have to start by forcing ourselves to stop saying “it’s impossible” and start saying “I can do this.” What happens when you think this way, is a beautiful thing. You start to think of ways that you can go about reaching the top of the mountain, rather than stopping at the base.

No one else is going to do this for me.

Pure and simple. No one else is going to give of their time and money to make you wealthy or successful. You may come across people that are willing to help to point you in the right direction, but you only meet those people while you are hustling. Yea, sometimes your starting point might suck, but you need to start somewhere. It’s either that, or you stay stuck, and that should never be accepted as “normal”.

This is not my end game.

Wherever you are starting does not equal your end game. Recognize where we are, but the only thing this is good for is motivation to keep you moving forward. Don’t be so caught up and pissed off about where you are. Instead, be so focused on where you are going that you are almost blind to you current circumstance.

Every “failure” is simply a stepping stone in the right direction.

Look, failure often comes right before success. Don’t sell yourself short! If you have “failed,” you have simply done something that you have never done before and there is a valuable lesson to learn there. Learn and never commit the same mistake twice. If you can do this. You are bound to succeed.

Now get to work.

It’s not going to be easy, or pretty. The climb requires long days and late nights. It doesn’t mean you don’t enjoy your times along the way, but make sure that a large majority of your time is spent on shaping and perfecting your craft. My goal is to help open people’s minds to their ability to accomplish great things. I hope this helps to kick start your Monday.

I’d love to connect with you! Follow me on Twitter @JoshRamos0818, or shoot me an email to josh@jramosonline.com.

Read this one next ;) — “Why Long Term Goals Make or Break You”

