What does an author website need to do?

Who are you talking to -and why?

Steven Thompson Author
ART + marketing
2 min readJul 31, 2018


I speak to a lot of authors that ask me a lot of questions. They want to know about all the facets of being an author that go with the writing -

  • Social media
  • Publicity
  • Book signing
  • Their website

And it is the last of these that I will cover in this blog. A website will help you to generate an online presence and become ‘searchable,’ but it is a long way down the list of priorities.

If you don’t have anything for people to read then your website isn’t important.

Or is it?

Building an audience

I am reading two things at the moment (I tend to read more than one thing at any one time) that mention doing this in a different way.

One is by John Carlton — the other by Tim Ferriss.

They both talk about building an audience before you necessarily have something to sell. If you are good with words (as a budding author I’d expect that you were) then you can start to build an audience while you are writing your first novel.

My website was built after the first two novels were written and published. But it meant that I had books out there without a large audience. I think I would do it the other way round in the future.

If you have any questions about building an audience or an effective website then I’d love to hear from you.



Steven Thompson Author
ART + marketing

Author of David’s Goliath and InitiAl. I am here to help you write your novel. I give ideas and confidence in the writing process so you can tell your story.