What I learned from Jim Carrey — Who Wrote Himself a $10 Million Check

Pawan Kumar
ART + marketing
Published in
2 min readOct 2, 2017


Just a few days back, I read a story in a newspaper which said:

Jim Carrey (he’s my favorite actor and comedian) during his struggle days, he daydreamed of success and imagine himself entertaining the world.

In 1985, he wrote himself a $10 million check for “acting services rendered”, dating it 10 years in the future (Thanksgiving 1995) and kept it in his wallet.

And then, just before Thanksgiving 1995, he found out he was going to make ten million dollars for Dumb and Dumber.

How did he do it?

Jim used the law of attraction.

If you’re always thinking about what you WANT, you’ll attract more of it.

I also experienced and practiced it.

I have a full-time job, but I always wanted to make side money.

First, I convinced myself (my subconscious mind) that I’m worth that money.

Because the law of life is the law of belief.

But I needed a clear and definite goal. So I wrote it down. Here’s the note:

This note is clear and concise which gave a clear idea to my mind.

Exact amount of money — $600

What I intend to give in return for the money — My writing services.

A definite date (40 days in future) — 24th May (My birthday)

I read (with feeling and believe) the statement twice daily. Once before going to sleep and once after waking up in the morning.

I got some nice projects and I made $598 by 24th May.

As Joseph Murphy stated in his book “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind”

“Once you learn to contact and release the hidden power of your subconscious mind, you can bring into your life more power, more wealth, more happiness, and joy. You don’t need to acquire this power. You already possess it.”

Are you ready to use the power of your imagination? Or are you practicing it?

Call to Action!

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Pawan Kumar
ART + marketing

Writer. Inbound Marketer. An Ambivert. Featured on Entrepreneur, Jeff Bullas, Addicted 2 Success, & HuffPost. My LInkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/prepawan/