What is your self-worth worth?
For a long time, I used to think self-worth was based on heritage, height, money, physical appearance and a lot of other trivial attributes. But something happened recently that got me thinking about self-worth.
I was placed in a team of five for a mini-project. While undertaking this project, the group had to spend a day and a night together. While the rest of us were from average families, we had a girl in the group from a wealthy family. She was nice, very polite but carries herself with the natural confidence of someone who knows she has got financial back-up; someone born to affluence.
When the idea of spending a night together first came up, some of us were worried we would have to pick up after her or something like that. Rich people are known for their nonchalance to domestic work.
It turned out we had nothing to worry about. This girl could do everything we could do and more. She cooked, she swept and she kept her clothes neatly. She practically served us.
I kept staring at her.
Who are you? Aren’t you supposed to be rich and bratty?
My respect for her grew even more.
What is my self-worth worth?
I used to think if I were richer, taller, maybe even have a prominent last name people would respect me more. A lot of us feel the same way. We strive to achieve things; mainly things we don’t even need.
We scoff at simple things. Where is the fame in that? We don’t want experiences and failures we just want result and likes.
What do you really need to feel worthy? What do you need to hold your head up high? A husband? Money? A wife? Kids? Expensive clothes and stuff? Titles? Positions?
Why do we feel we need things or we need to do something to make us feel worthy?
This line of thinking has led many to do shady things. They lose the things they should hold dear, the values that define them.
At the end of the day when you are stripped bare of everything; titles, positions, houses, fame, and money, what are you really worth?
Would you still have your gifts and talents?
Would you talk about your experiences? Would they lead someone somewhere?
Would you still have your integrity and respect?
Would your words mean anything?
Can you hold your head up high and walk naked?
What are you worth?
A million dollars? A smile?
What is the worth of your words?
What is the worth of your integrity and influence?
What is your respect worth?
What does it take to break you?
People rise and fall every day. People that fall hardest are those who were higher up. Steve Jobs for example who was sacked from the company he helped create. That’s a big blow to anyone’s ego and pedestal, but Steve Job was worth more than the fancy titles and money. He knew himself and he picked himself up. Because he was worth a lot, he soon regained all that he’d lost.
What your self-worth is worth is what you are.
Your mindset
Your values
Your thoughts
Your skills
Your experiences
Your principles
Your integrity
You don’t need external things to make you feel like you are somebody. All you need is in you — You too can create your own miracles.
If you get old today and lose the beauty and strength of youth, what else do you have to offer?
If you die today, what will live on after you?