ART + marketing
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8 min readOct 10, 2017


What Makes the Perfect Call-to-Action?

It is common that most of the traffic that comes to your website bounce off without conversion. But if the conversion rate is too low than it should be, then you should seriously rethink your design, especially the call-to-action. There are certain aspects that can create an enormous change in conversion rates if done right.

The call-to-action is where the user clicks to perform the desired action. The desired action could be anything depending on the nature of the website. It could be downloading some files, purchasing an item, submitting a form, submit a survey etc. perfect

When you create a landing page you make it so the that the design increases the user engagement using attractive words, images, benefits and other contents. All that content and beautiful images and colorful layouts are meant to direct users to the call-to-action button so that they don’t go wandering off to somewhere else.

The call-to-action or the CTAs are one of the key factors in a landing page to improve conversion rates. If the CTA is done right, the conversion rates are sure to shoot up.

So, What Goes into Making the Perfect Call-To-Action Button?

When it comes to call-to-action buttons, everything is important. The CTA should be the star of the show. Ultimately all the attention should be given to it and everyone else should make way for it to stand out.

Keep in mind there are no absolute rules to determine what kind of a call-to-action button will get you the maximum conversion rates, one way to do that is to experiment with two or more different styles that you think will convert more and put it to the test. Then you can determine which one works better for you.

Let’s see some of the factors that can improve the CTC button and thus the conversion rates.

1 — It Should be a Button

Don’t go all artsy and create something that confuses the user. There are a lot of areas on the web page to get creative on, but the call-to-action is not one of them.

The call to action should be a button. That’s how we are used to seeing the call-to-action. Our brains do not like changes too revolutionary. When we are used to doing something in a certain way, and then suddenly when it changes, it confuses us and then it takes some time to get used to. Or worse, we find alternatives that are familiar and thus easier for us to relate to.

The call-to-action is always a button. It has been and it always will be.

Buttons are a powerful and simple component that is the most effective as a call to action. Consider, how a highlighted text or an alert box or just a link would serve as a call-to-action. It will only confuse the user and consequently lower the conversion rates.

2 — Know the Colors

The color of the CTA is very, very important. First, you have to consider what color you want and it that how it goes with the color palette of your entire web page.

The choice of colors could be tricky. Different colors have different meanings that we are used to associating with. At the same time, they could be the ideal colors to draw the attention of a user. Also, the color should contrast the color scheme and the theme of the webpage.

Like I said, different colors have different meanings associated with it.

  • The color green indicates to proceed and is associated with nature. So green is a prominent color for natural products.
  • The color blue is a cool color, a color that is soothing to the eyes. Blue is associated with seas and oceans and is a widely used color in travel websites.
  • The colors in the spectrum of longer wavelengths like red and orange are more eye-catchy and hence used in situations where attention is required. Like the black box of an airplane or a stop sign. These colors are also associated with love, royalty etc.
  • White is peaceful, calm and simple whereas black is classy and conventional. and so the list goes on.

Consider the following when selecting colors for the CTC.

The color of the CTC should be contrasting. When choosing colors for your website it is as easy as it can get. But for the call-to-action button, choose a color that contrasts the theme of your website or at the least it surroundings. A green button on a blue background does not go well for a CTC as it is not easy to differentiate between the two colors.

Choose the colors in accordance with the size of the button. When you are using a bigger sized button, there is not much needed to grab the attention. Of course, the color is important but going for a color that is too attention-grabbing will only make it look odd. When using a bigger sized button, it would be good to go a little subtle on the color.

Chose colors considering the colorblind users. Colors are seen differently by a colorblind person and it could be hard for them some time to differentiate between colors, unlike a person who can see colors. What seems as contrasting colors to most won’t be seen as such by the color blind and hence affect the action taken by them.

3 — The Shapes and Sizes

When it comes to the CTA button there is not much of a scope when it comes to the shape of it. The most familiar shape for a CTA button is rectangular and it is better to stick to it. It is better to can make rectangles with circular and curved edges to bring more attention to the text inside it.

Although there are cases that experiment with circular CTAs, in those cases, there are some other indications to let users know that it is the CTA, Like the text of the button or the placement of the button.

Make the call-to-action as large as possible, it should be the largest button of all. So that it takes all the attention from the rest of the page. The size of the button implies the significance of the button. But that does not imply that you fill a large portion of the page with Button, but it should be comparatively bigger.

4 — Give it Some Space

The area around the CTA should not be overcrowded with text, buttons or any other components. A good amount of white space gives a lot of attention to the CTA. So even if the size of the button is small, proper space around them can make the users properly see it. This will help get the button noticed and improve conversion rates.

5 — Speak to the Users

The words you choose communicates directly to the user. The words should be complimentary of the personality of your website. Words that imply to the user of quick action upon clicking the button are more compelling like “Buy Now” or “Download Now” and the users are more likely to click on them. Whereas, words like “Get Started” will give the user an idea of a gradual process and they will be reluctant to click on them.

When you are talking to your users through the button, make it about them. The language should give an idea that they are getting something rather than you are giving something to them. Like “Download my e-book” or “Check me in” etc.

Giving the user offers that are for a limited period and give a sense of urgency on the CTA could increase the conversion rates. It is hard to resist the temptation to not miss out on anything.

And sometimes simple words like “Download” or “Proceed” are just enough as long as the user is clearly aware of what the button does.

The size of the text should be fairly large. The idea of making the text bigger is to get the attention of the user and enable the user to read easily. But too large text can be intimidating and overwhelming.

The typography of the text should be carefully selected so that it speaks clearly to the user. for example, a handwritten typography may not be ideal because it may effect the readability of the text.

The button text should not be too long. Do not the write an entire dialogue in a button. Because let’s face it, people do not like to read so much to take an action that just requires a click

6 — The Placement

The placement of the call-to-action button above the fold seems to be the common choice of placement. Above the fold, it is hard to miss the CTA, if it is properly placed on the page.

The CTA is usually placed below the fold when there is a flow that leads the user to the CTA to make a better-informed decision. For this, the rest of the content in the page should be in such a way that it leads to the call-to-action button.

When placed below the fold, it is better to give directional cues like small arrows or other texts that can lead the user to the CTA. Make it easier for the user to do what you want them to do

7 — No Competition

The call-to-action button should be different from the rest of the buttons on the page. Avoid having more buttons. But if there are more buttons they should get less attention than the CTA.

The buttons that are not call-to-action should be lower in color contrast. But should not be so pale that they seem like a disabled button. The user should be able to clearly distinguish the call-to-action button.

8 — Responsiveness and Finger-Friendly

Designing for the devices of all sizes and designing for the touch-screen is extremely important. The size and placement of the CTA are different on a smaller screen device. The size and the placement of buttons should be designed taking into consideration the limitations of a smaller screen device and touchscreen target sizes.


In short, getting the CTA right is extremely important for improving the conversion rate of a website. There are no right or wrong when it comes to creating the correct type of CTA button but there are certain characteristics of the button that can help achieve that.

  • The call-to-action should be a button. Anything other than that is only going to confuse the users and definitely will not help in improving the conversion rates.
  • Choose the right colors. It is not necessary that you will get it right the first time. Test with different colors that you think can work better.
  • The shape and size of the button are important in making the button look like something important.
  • Proper space around the CTA plays a major role is taking the attention from the rest of the page.
  • The text should make it obvious to the user what he is about to do.
  • The placement of the button should be such that the user does not miss it at the first glance. Or, there should be proper flow of content to the CTA.
  • Minimize the use of other buttons, so that the CTA stands out.
  • At this day and age, don’t forget all the mobile and touch-screen devices.

