Who is sitting at your table?

Christine Denker
ART + marketing
Published in
2 min readNov 2, 2017



Motivational speaker Jim Rohn once said that we are the average of the five people we spend the most time with.

Take a moment to let that sink in.

If you were going to make a list of those five people who would they be?

Once you figure that out, now think about what they bring to the table. Seriously, think about a table with six chairs around it. You’re sitting in one of the chairs and you are surrounded with the five people you spend the most time with.

Does this excite you or scare you?

If you’re excited, it means you are hanging with people who are positive, motivated, and push you to do your best. They are your biggest supporters but aren’t afraid to offer you some constructive criticism if it’s what you need to keep moving forward. They aren’t going to hold you back from chasing your dreams, and they will be there to catch you when you fall or they will lend you a hand to help you back up. They influence you in a way that makes you want to do better and you don’t just think but act because you don’t want to be the weak link sitting at this figurative table.

If the thought of the five people you’re with scares you, then YIKES! Get away from the table as fast as you can. Figure out why you’re at the table with these people who are negative, bring you down, and are the kings and queens of drama. They tell you not to do things, because they don’t want you to outgrow them. They talk behind other people’s backs and you fall into doing it with them. But beware, because when you’re not with them then they are more than likely talking behind yours.

It’s important to take stock of who you spend the most time with and how those people influence you. Maybe it’s time to let some of them go in favor of adding others who will add to your life rather than take away from it.

Sometimes you need to let those who are taking up space at the table that it’s time for them to go. Dinner is over.

I like putting my own spin on experiences, because even though the material might be familiar the voice is uniquely me. If this piece resonated with you, please feel free to give it some applause so that it can reach others.

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**This piece originally appeared on Get To It.



Christine Denker
ART + marketing

Podcaster, Writer, Adventure Seeker, and Educator. Always pursuing my true North.