Why Should I Hire a Digital Marketing Agency?

Aumcore - Digital Marketing Agency
ART + marketing
Published in
5 min readMay 31, 2018

Are you considering hiring a digital marketing agency? Do you want to grow your business? Do you need more exposure? Do you want to reach new markets? If you answered yes to any of these questions, let me help you out a bit — you need to hire a digital marketing agency.

Everyone who owns a business knows that running it is a full time job; it’s time consuming and requires your full attention. Nine to five? Nope, more like 24/7. The fact is you can only do so much because you’re neither an octopus nor Mr. Fantastic; you only have two hands and can’t stretch yourself too thin either. Just like hiring a cashier to cover the cash register, or a salesperson to sell your products, you need to hire a marketing agency to market your business.

Not just a marketing agency, though, you need a digital marketing agency for small business or startups that will help you stay relevant and ahead of the curve. For one, they’re digital experts and know all the latest trends, and to better tailor your strategy, can provide an overview of your industry’s competitive landscape and target audience. Second, digital implies measurable results in the form of trackable Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that let you know how well your campaign is doing, where your problem areas are, and quite honestly, just what’s what.

The best part of hiring a digital marketing agency (apart from getting measurable results) is that all you need to do is share your goals, give them a timeframe, and schedule regular calls or meetings to stay on top of everything. Even better, they can match your goals with the many services they offer. For example, if you want to increase brand awareness, they can enroll your business in an SEO and SEM campaign for increased exposure, write copy for to attract your audience, and then design a whole new website for your business — optimized for mobile, of course — so that your new users can stay engaged from landing to checkout.

Digging a little deeper while using the brand awareness example from above and Aumcore, the digital marketing agency that yours truly works for, to illustrate what hiring a digital marketing agency is like, here are some of the many services your business can benefit from.

Strategic Services

A strategy is a designed action for the single purpose of accomplishing goals. At Aumcore, our thinking process is defined by your measure of success. To reach those goals, we leverage a combination of our technical and creative prowess that spans the globe. In doing so, we are able to provide diverse concepts through our AumThink process, delivering a strategy that will get you the results.

First things first, you need a strategy in place to reach your goals. If your goal is brand awareness, some strategic services at your disposal are:

Brand Strategy to define what you want to become and where you want to be

● Based on the strategy, Content Planning to set up the most efficient calendar for current and future objectives

SEO (including Mobile SEO for the mobile first world we live in) with our #HealthySEO™ approach to optimize your site for search

SEM to place you in front of a larger audience and bring them to your site

User Experience (UX) Design to keep your users engaged as they navigate your site

Creative Services

After an optimized strategy is in place, execution begins. And while traditional marketing content may highlight features of a product or service itself, consumers are looking for more of an intimate connection. It’s about the story, generating a personal experience and creating an emotional experience between you and your client. Storytelling allows the message to be portrayed in such a way that it is intertwined into the lifestyle of the target audience. At Aumcore, it’s our passion to generate creative content that relays a powerful message, and connects with the consumers and businesses on an emotional level.

With a strategy to accomplish your goals in place, the magic begins. As you’ll see, this is where the age old adage, Content is King, comes into place. Why? Because content is what makes someone fall in love with a brand.

In your plight to increase brand awareness, creative services will serve to create compelling copy for your ads and inform your users about what you bring to the table:

● It all starts with Digital Branding: creating a brand identity that conveys who you are and what you stand for

Copywriting is there to make sure your identity resonates throughout all aspects of your business

● Writing is good, but Digital Designs, Photography, Videos, and an Infographic here and there will expand your digital footprint and bring in the best results

● To wrap it all together, a good User Interface (UI) Design will showcase your digital prowess, increase engagement, and bring in conversion after conversion

Development Services

Technology development innovation is our strength. With years of experience, a globally resourced team of technology specialists, strategic thinkers, and offices around the world — we specialize in generating ideas, and have the force and technical backbone to carry them out. We leverage our marketing and technology knowledge, blending insight and creativity to help solve business initiatives. From developing mobile apps to multi device compatible solutions to handling Enterprise platform integrations — we build solutions to meet the needs of your business today and in the future. If the technology isn’t available on the market — in some cases, we create it.

Development services are the cherry on top; you may or may not need them, but they sure do make everything better:

● If you’re just starting out or want a complete overhaul, eCommerce Web Development Solutions will create the perfect website to serve as your digital outlet

● If you’re not in eCommerce but still need a website for your users to land on, Web Development Solutions are there to build a site that’s optimized for SEO, UX and UI — all in one mobile friendly package

● If there can be a cherry on top of the cherry that’s already on top, it’s Mobile App Development — they’re not necessary, but attaching one to your brand is a surefire way of drastically increasing engagement and conversions

Go Ahead, Hire a Digital Marketing Agency

In conclusion, you should most definitely hire a digital agency to not only boost, but actually take over your marketing endeavors. After all, while it’s your job to run your business, it’s their job to market it.



Aumcore - Digital Marketing Agency
ART + marketing

Aumcore is a full-service digital marketing agency offering 360° marketing solutions for brands worldwide.