Woodward, Bernstein, and Watergate

Sydney Wagner
ART + marketing
Published in
1 min readApr 12, 2017

Through watching “All The President’s Men”, I got to really see how much investigative journalism has changed over the past 40 years. The movie shows the duo making multiple phone calls and looking into things that could simply be searched on Google in today’s world. It gives me a great deal of admiration for journalists back then. They truly had to put stories together piece by piece, and did not have as large of a sense of urgency as they do in today’s world. Sure, the urgency was present and the Post did push them to find information in a timely manner. Yet, I imagine if this happened today though that they would try to capture this amount of information much more quicker as I feel today’s public is much less patient.

Although I did see a great deal of differences, it did surprise me to see how investigative journalism is still the same in many ways as well. Reporters still have to contact tons of sources and dig through a great deal of information. I learned that investigative journalism can be extremely frustrating, and requires a lot of critical and quick thinking in order to get the information you desire. Overall, I could see this occupation being extremely interesting, and this film allows the public to see journalism as something much more important and difficult than they may have previously thought. Overall, I really enjoyed watching this movie again and I feel as though it really expresses the impact that media writing can have.

