Writing for publications isn’t as hard as you think

Orlando González
Published in
4 min readMar 18, 2018


Writing in medium can be hard at first, you write an amazing article and only get 10 views at most, that is where publications come in, if you don’t know what publications are, they are basically blogs with a certain niche inside medium. These can help you get your work out to thousands of people daily!

So whats the “challenge” people face with these publications? They think it’s hard to put their work on there when it’s actually not! I’ll show you how I managed to write for different publications including this one!

Niches rule medium

You should look for a niche that you have at least basic knowledge about and look for publications that suit said niche, for example if you like writing fitness and health articles then you can see if you can start writing for Fit Yourself Club, or if you have knowledge in digital marketing then you can try writing in this publication! which is Art+Marketing.

The opportunities are endless! It just takes some time and dedication to find the right one where your articles can really fit and be read by people actually looking for that info.

Also by knowing what you are talking about, like marketing then you are helping others by giving them good and valuable information (which is the goal)

Set up your Smedian account.

If you do not know what it is for then I suggest you see this article here!

The Tool All Medium Editors & Writers Wanted & Desperately Needed

After reading the article provided above and getting a sense of how it works you can see that it makes joining publications a walk in the park! All you have to do after doing the basic account setup is this:

  • Search the publication you want to write for.
  • Check if they are letting other writers join and if they ask for previous made content.
  • Ask to contribute
  • Have patience and wait for the editors to accept your request!

Sounds pretty simple right? It’s because it is haha

Search inside the publication for subimission guidelines

Generally but not always publications will have an article where they tell you how to submit work for them it tells you specifically the niche it goes for and how the writing style is. If it doesn’t have one (which is weird) then I’ll give you some basic guidelines that I have seen from several publications!

  1. Don’t put your title in capital letters, for example: “A MODERN MOMS DAY TO DAY LIFE” does not look as inviting as “A modern moms day to day life”
  2. Put at least one image that has something to do with your article (with this I’m not saying that you should go and take pics of an archipelago if you wrote that you loved them) instead use websites like Pexels or Unsplash and find a pic that can make your article come to life! Bonus points if it has a dog or something fun haha. (A personal tip is to go at least two pages down after you know what kind of piture you are looking for since the first pages have pictures that have been used already)
  3. Try to use headers and subtitles in your article, it doesn’t have to be only at the beginning of it that you can place them, play around wih them and see what looks good!
  4. Stick at least a bit to what the mission of the publication says, for example, if the publication is about writing tips then you should not be giving submissions about fitness or well being.

These are the basic rules that every big publication has! Some have more and some have less so try to search for them as soon as you get accepted to get a clear understanding on how to write.

Photo by STIL on Unsplash

Know how to send submissions on medium.

This is something that for me at least still bothers me since you can’t pass submissions while using the phone app, instead you have to log in from your laptop or PC and look for the article to send to the editors. Despite of this, the process is fairly easy.

After you finished writing and editing your article, click on the 3 black dots on the upper right corner and click on “Add to Publication” after that click on the publication that you want your article to be published in and that is it!

Another personal tip is to always put “tags” before submitting since some editors don’t search for tags to put in your writing.

All you have to do is: click on the “Publish” button that is highlighted in green and start thinking on tags that suits your niche, pick 5 and that’s it!

After reading this you already know the steps to write for other publications!

All that is left now is to wait and see if the editors approve your article!

Much love to all!

