You’re a Writer… Are You?

Pawan Kumar
ART + marketing
Published in
1 min readNov 20, 2017

Writing is something which impacts us everyday.

Do you want to get new job? — You need to write resume.

Do you want to make a new program? — You need to write a code.

Do you want to get more clients? — You need to write attractive emails.

Do you want to build an audience base? — You need to write messages.

Do you want to show your love to her? — You need to write love letters or poetry.

Do you want to stay focused? — You write a journal or diary.

Everything starts with writing.

Today, we’re all writers.

But we don’t see ourselves as writers.

Writing is a skill which needs practice.

E.L. Doctorow said it best:

“Writing is an exploration. You start from nothing and learn as you go.”

What’s your answer — Are you a writer?

Call to Action!

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Pawan Kumar
ART + marketing

Writer. Inbound Marketer. An Ambivert. Featured on Entrepreneur, Jeff Bullas, Addicted 2 Success, & HuffPost. My LInkedIn: