Your Instagram Highlights Are Horrible and You Have to Change Them Doing This

Daniel González
ART + marketing
Published in
5 min readSep 11, 2018
“gray and black Olympus camera beside Android smartphone” by Tinh Khuong on Unsplash

In the past, when you discovered a new Instagram account, the first thing you noticed was the “biography’s description.”

The biography was the cover letter of every Instagram account.

People had to explain in a few words what is the purpose of this account. They had to explain what’s made different from others accounts.

A good biography’s description made the difference between a user who followed you or not.

If your description was bad, the rest of the things were not going to matter.

With the passage of time, when Instagram began to develop their “stories”, everything changed.

Now the “Instagram Highlights” are the new biography’s description. It’s the first thing someone is going to see when they start following you.

How are the Highlights composed?

A good highlight is made up of two parts: “a good miniature and a good story to tell.”

If you see Gary Vaynerchuk or any influencer’s account, you will find that they have a thumbnail in each of their highlights. A miniature according to its theme. A miniature that expresses who they are.

Each of these miniatures are perfectly structured. They look good inside the small circle of the highlights. They are easy to understand. They are striking. And above all, they comply with the patterns of the instagram account.

If we look at the covers of Gary Vee, we see how they were designed through the colors and font of their brand.

However, with the miniatures, it’s not enough. We need more. We need the story behind the thumbnail.

After each miniature, there has to be a story that conveys who you are.

There can’t only be photos behind the miniatures. There must be photos that convey a story. Photos that share the philosophy of the account.

In this case, the story you will tell about each model will be who you are, your purpose, and what you offer in your instagram

“person holding Android smartphone” by Erik Lucatero on Unsplash

How to Make Good Highlights?

Remember that highlights aren’t anything. In highlights, you don’t have to put your photos in Miami, photos of your food dishes, or photos of your dog or friends.

A good highlight says the purpose of the company, its values, its distinguishing feature and the product catalog

  • If you are a cosmetics account, you will have a highlight where you will show the catalog of your products.
  • If you are building your personal brand, in one of the highlights you have to say who you are and what valuable content you bring
  • If you are a clothing brand, it is important to put the story of why they decided to start in this area

How many photos can I place inside each highlight?

As in the instagram stories. There is no limit of photos that you can place in a highlight.

The important thing is that the message you want to share through the photos is clear enough.

If the message isn’t clear, people won’t understand your instagram. They will have an erroneous message from you.

To avoid that problem. You will have to concentrate on the message. Forget the photos for a moment and make sure that the message you share is the right one.

“wake me up when i’m famous signage” by Alice Donovan Rouse on Unsplash

How many Highlights can I have?

The number of highlights is also not relevant. The important thing is that each highlight tells a story that everyone understands.

A story perfectly designed to hook your audience.

In my case, I like to place 3 highlights. What I do is answer these questions.

What is the purpose of the account? What is your differentiating characteristic?

there are two questions you will answer to create the story of a single highlight.

the idea is:

When a person observes your instagram account they will immediately review your highlights and understand why you post what you post.

That person will know why I should follow you. What makes your account different from other accounts; and why your account is special.

The idea is to make the work easier for users. And the best way to do this is by explaining the purpose of your account in the highlights.

Who is the person behind the account?

Instagram is a social network of people.

The users want to know the people behind each of those accounts. People want to know the genius behind the mask.

Making yourself known through the instagram of your venture brings many benefits.

  • Increase your engagement
  • You will make your account more human.
  • People will know that there is a person behind each publication.
  • You will strengthen your personal brand

The latter is too important. People who constantly follow Gary Vaynerchuk’s work will know about it. You will understand that no matter what entrepreneurship you do, what is important is to build your personal brand

If you want to know more about personal branding, I invite you to read another of the articles I have written.

What do you sell?

Maybe you do not have any product for sale. But one day you will. Eventually, you will have to sell things through your instagram account.

In the end, you have to seek to generate income through your account.

If you do not have any product for sale, you can take advantage of this space to create your own database. Announce an ebook, a new song that you published, etc.



Daniel González
ART + marketing

I left COLLEGE because I had no MONEY. Now I'm a BARTENDER and I write about how an ECOLOGICAL and SUSTAINABLE BAR would be.