Your Problem Is Never Brand Awareness
Build better products and funnels instead of just throwing more eyes at the problem
In marketing, we talk a lot about funnels. Here’s what most look like:
There’s a lot of business out there that say they’re struggling with the top of their funnel. They just need some more brand awareness, and everything will work itself out. The more you put into the top of the funnel, the more you get out of the bottom — usually.
There’s a problem with this line of thinking, though. You can only generate so much publicity and traffic before it stops scaling. You’ll have trouble reaching more people after a point no matter how many crazy stunts you try and pull off.
You’ve got to take a step back, and look at your product and funnel. You need to make a product that is incredible enough on its own that people will talk about it without your prodding. With that, your customers will handle all the brand awareness you could ever need.
The more people who use your product means the more people who talk about it, which means the more people will use it. It’s cyclical. It’s how massive companies like Facebook came to be.
It’s why product-driven companies all need to measure their viral coefficient, and improve upon it by tweaking their funnel.
Your product probably won’t be like the plague, starting with a dozen people and then infecting the rest of the world — but it can seriously help with your brand awareness problem.
When you create incredible products that have a story and are worth talking about, people talk about them. It’s that simple.