My Advice for Aspiring Data Engineers (If You’re New to This)

5 Essential Lessons for New Data Engineers

Tim Webster
Art of Data Engineering


Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

I’ve worked with many brilliant people.

All had varying skills and talents, but it was those who were great at a particular tool, product, or software that made everything look easy AND made me feel as if I still had my training wheels on.

These people woke me up and changed my approach to learning.

Here’s the Type

They know the ins and the outs of things. They don’t Google; they just seem to know — everything. They have all the answers. When things break, they often solve it and move on — just another day at the office.

Everything seems easy for them.

I remember one particular guy I worked with; he was on another planet when it came to SQL Server. He knew anything and everything about it. His only problem was he wasn’t interested in doing anything else. He didn’t care about learning another programming language and certainly wanted nothing to do with anything cloud-related. If it was not SQL Server, he wanted nothing to do with it. He wanted to be left alone to tinker away and do his thing.

You see where I am going with this, right?



Tim Webster
Art of Data Engineering

🚀 Senior Data Engineer | Ex DBA | Dad | Technology Enthusiast | Star Wars Addict | I love data, writing and helping people.