Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

It’s my Birthday, I can be Depressed if I Want To

Maybe You Would Be Too

Published in
2 min readApr 23, 2019


OK, so today isn’t my birthday, but as I was going through another round of depression at the time, and kinda missed it.

But it’s funny, isn’t it? Your birthday is supposed to be a joyful day. Balloons, cake, and a pile of wrapped goodies. Facebook posts from friends and family. And I had all of that, thanks to my amazing wife.

But that didn’t keep me from getting depressed and hating every minute of who I am.

It can be so easy to discount everything.

Thoughtful, wonderful things can get twisted by depression until I resented the balloon and still haven’t responded to messages.

It was my birthday, and depression ain’t got no care. Or perhaps it did and went into overdrive just to fuck with the day that is supposed to celebrate who I am.

To the rest of the world, the sun rose and the sunset. Life happened. But my mind would not move forward. It would not let me enjoy. Would not let me live.

I am thankful that between my medication and therapy, I kept from getting too far into despair. But despite over a year of counseling, a medication that really works for me…



Art of JRB

Husband, father, tinkerer. Writing about hardware product design, life, mental illness, art, and overall being a good person and making cool stuff.