Finding your Own Energy is the Magic

Fiona Yun
Art of the Seer
Published in
3 min readDec 19, 2022

And there just might be more to have…

When I first came to study here many years ago, my greatest expectation was that I’d develop the magical ability to read people. This certainly happened. But it wasn’t the best thing that I got out of my years of study here.

The best thing was and continues to be finding myself, my own unique energy, and connecting to that in a big way. I was unaware of how much of my own energy I had disconnected from when I started here, and how much energy I had taken on from others and the world. So finding my own energy and making space for it was a mind blowing experience for me.

That’s what has changed my life and the very tasty side dish was learning to deepen and develop my psychic abilities, as well as a host of tools and skills I’ve loved to learn along the way.

Over and over again, I hear from students that finding and running their own unique energy is most magical and valuable part of their experience. Connecting to yourself, especially when you are a sensitive person, is an incredible healing. It is the thing that changes your life in unmeasurable ways.

Kundalini is a part of this, though we don’t address it in any of the core trainings. It is a body focused energy, and learning about it and how to run it is something more that’s available to learn and to have.

Kundalini is your body’s own energy, and finding it, making space for it, and running it in a way that works for you can be a powerful healing and a deeply moving experience. And, no matter what you’ve heard, you have a choice of when and how to run it so that it suits your life.

But just like anything else, there might be energy in the way of you accessing it and using it for yourself.

Everyone has turned on their Kundalini in their lifetime, and it might have felt intense, out of control, or even a little dangerous. It might have happened in a situation when your body wasn’t safe, or maybe by running Kundalini, others felt unsafe around you, so there may be some pictures about that which you hit when you think about turning it on.

Some of the energy in the way of you running your Kundalini might be the stigma and taboo around running an energy that is so body focused. Lots of folks carry pain, shame and judgment in their body, either how it looks or feels or how it operates. Some of this we learn from our parents or we pick up throughout the course of our lives. This judgement, shame and pain can come up when running a body focused energy too.

There may also be energy resulting from the ways this energy is traditionally accessed. In most courses of study around Kundalini, it’s associated with a guru or religion. It’s seen as “exotic” to many in the West. But just like how the church doesn’t own your access to your own spirit or your connection to God, no religion or guru owns your access to your body’s own energy. Kundalini is a natural part of you, your body’s will to live and to create. That doesn’t come from outside of you, it is you! And you can hold the key to it.

Next term in Inner Fire, Kundalini Energy, we’ll be working on accessing and running Kundalini for ourselves in a way that feels body safe. We’ll clear out pictures and energies in the way of turning it on as well as what that energy encounters when you run it. Students will experience what this energy feels like and take ownership so that it can become a part of their life in a way that they choose. In other words, they’ll find more of their own energy to make space for and run, which is the true healing.



Fiona Yun
Art of the Seer

Teacher, Traveler, Creator, and Rockstar Bodyworker * Passionate about Spiritual Growth and Life on this Planet