Self image pictures and your clairvoyant ability

Kris Cahill
5 min readAug 24, 2023


What do the famous mirror scene from ‘The Lady From Shanghai’, and Harry Potter’s Mirror of Erised have to do with clairvoyance and seeing energy clearly?

Image by Adam Watson Unsplash

I’ve been looking at and thinking about self image pictures this week, notably having a clear view of oneself.

I started thinking about this energy, the themes and pictures around it, last week while exchanging readings with a fellow clairvoyant, a colleague and friend. There was an energy that came up in the reading: I saw pictures around old illusions cracking like the hall of mirrors in the famous scene from the Orson Welles 1947 film, ‘The Lady From Shanghai’. If you haven’t seen it, it’s well worth finding and watching. It’s classic film noir, and the Hall of mirrors scene is brilliant.

The mirrors in a fun house are set up to distort reality — what is true or not here? Can I trust my own eyes, do mine eyes deceive me? What’s real and what’s an illusion?

The same thing happens with our own internal mirrors, reality about who we are often becomes distorted, or isn’t accurate, not really. Finding your own way to the self image that works for you or is more true for you can sometimes feel like trying to see yourself clearly in a funhouse of mirrors. Where did those come from, and how do I see my truth in them?

Another story that comes to mind is from Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. Harry comes across a magical mirror, called the Mirror of Erised, which shows you your deepest desire when you look in it. The danger here is getting stuck in that image and not being in your life as it is: the mirror is addictive and destructive.

Harry had no idea who he truly was, having been lied to by the relatives who raised him. The magical Mirror of Erised shows him being reunited with his dead parents, and being part of a loving family, which he’s never experienced.

The danger of getting stuck in this kind of picture is that it’s not the truth either, not a true self reflection.

When one is caught up in an illusion of any kind, whether from being lied to repeatedly by people you trusted, or an illusion of your own making, that illusory picture takes up so much of your energy that you start to believe it’s real.

Pulling your energy out of a picture that’s not true or present time for you (clairvoyants call this blowing the picture) frees up all of that energy so that you are free to create something that works for you now. Because we live in a time of clairvoyance, self image is a big part of this energy.

Clairvoyance is the ability to see energy clearly, and some of that energy is yourself. If you’re able to see you clearly, that makes it easier to create the self image pictures you want to have. Distorted cracked illusory images come from everywhere: demands on us, pictures given to us by others, pressure to fit in or look a certain way, to show up being how someone else expects you to do. Corporate programming has created lots of these images that employees are expected to line up to, which is one reason why it’s so freeing for many people to not have to go into the office, they don’t have to stuff themselves into a certain people pleasing picture so that others are okay with them being them.

So, clairvoyance is about seeing energy, seeing pictures, and creating new ones.

The most important clairvoyant ability is the ability to see yourself clearly*, and to create new pictures for your own life, based on your truth. Your choices, not what others expect you to show up as or look like.

*By ‘clearly’, I don’t mean mean or critical — all too often people say awful things while pretending they are ‘only being honest’, when meanwhile, they are throwing energy, controlling, shutting down, and otherwise just being a meanie. Clairvoyance is not mean; it is neutral, though what one sees may be anything but.

What starts to happen when you learn how to read as a clairvoyant, is that you start to see all of the pictures that make up, well, everything. You see the pictures — a picture is a construct of energy, and your own energy can be in them. You might identify with something and think it’s you because your energy is in it. This isn’t wrong, it’s human. You have millions of pictures, they are how you navigate your world.

As you start learning how to read energy, to read the pictures, which is first of all really fun and interesting, you learn new things.

There’s a lot of energy in a picture, in reading clairvoyantly. One thing you learn right away is that seeing something, whether consciously or not, affects you on every level: your emotions, thoughts, actions, choices.

Here’s how self image pictures work: when you have a self image picture (again, consciously or not) that isn’t really your truth or makes you feel bad about yourself, you will have a harder time creating and having what you want. A common self image picture is invalidation, many of us have this in one way or another: I’m not good enough, I’ll never have love. I’m not capable of doing this or that.

All of these damaging pictures can be stuck in various ways, subtle and not, inside of us. However we see ourselves determines what we can have and create.

Clairvoyance is the super power you already have, the very human ability contained within you, that allows you to start to discern between pictures: which is yours, which an illusion?

If you’re interested in turning on your clairvoyance or knowing more about how it works, reach out to me. You can also check out the Art of the Seer Academy online. We offer a variety of psychic and consciousness classes and trainings.



Kris Cahill

Artist, Writer, Clairvoyant, Teacher, Colorful Human.