Dinosaur. This photo for reference (“pink elephant” makes me laugh) by Elizabeth Pishal

Inktober 2021

Animals We Believe In

A submission for the prompt “extinct”

Published in
Oct 25, 2021


They drove from the city to rural Virginia
watching cows behind old fences
singing Farmer and the Dell
and Old MacDonald to while
away the hours on the road.

And Mike called out, “What’s that thing?”
They all looked, trying to find what he saw
in the fields, behind trees, in the wide-open spaces
“You mean the horse?” Dad asked, confused.

“No, the thing that looks like a horse!”
And what followed after was an hour-long
discussion of what animals were real
and which were made up.

Because somehow, in all the years of school
and a fairly large adventurous streak
the family had failed to teach their eight year old
that horses do exist.



As out there as the planet itself.— MWC Honorable Mention. Confused & searching. Creation is life. Running f̶r̶o̶m̶ with my Black Dog. May have affiliate links.