When albatrosses fly south

Mick Champayne
art trying copy
Published in
1 min readOct 25, 2016


One of my biggest goals in my adult life has been to pay back my student loans. Itā€™s been a huge albatross around my neck, squawking anytime I have extra cash or want to do something fun. In the past few years, itā€™s felt like itā€™s prohibited me from a lot of typical next-stage-of-life things, like buying a house or having babies or saving extra for retirement.

Iā€™m constantly running ā€œwhat ifā€ scenarios through my headā€”like what if I hadnā€™t gone to a private art school at $30k/year, or what if Iā€™d looked into other schools; what if Iā€™d applied for more scholarships, read the fine print when I signed my name over to the devil? Or what if I lost my job and had to defer? Or what if I became friends with an elderly widow with no family who lived in the big beautiful house on my street and she bequeathed her estate to me? (ā€œHey, it could happen. McWoooooorrrrld!ā€)

I think I see my debt in black and white, and I really oughtnā€™t. Iā€™ve read how my debt might be a ā€œhidden asset.ā€ If I zoom out and take a broad view of my life, did that huge student loan actually give me an incredible education that Iā€™m so grateful for? Itā€™s afforded me experiences and friendships and strength I wouldnā€™t have had otherwise.



Mick Champayne
art trying copy

Visual Design @ Google + aspiring futurist. First one to laugh at my own jokes šŸ˜ŽšŸ¤™