Making Pigment from Invasive Species: Dandelions

I learned that the common dandelion was a non-native species common throughout the United States. I have also heard good things about them, they provide pollen and nectar to pollinators, and seeds and leaves for wildlife. They have been here so long that they may not be considered invasive anymore. Dandelions might be a good role model for me as a permanent resident alien of the United States, though I suppose they are more like naturalized citizens at this point.

I sourced dandelions from Hawthorne Valley Farmscape Ecology Program, the same garden I collected Wild Madder. This time I cooked the flower, stem, and leaves all at once.

Cooking Dandelions

The end result is a light yellowish-green pigment which looks quite lovely. I test-painted on seed paper. It will be interesting to find out how long the color will last. The pinkish brown is from wild madder, black is from a little rock.

