\Art ‘19— in the beginning

ben W hwang
Published in
1 min readSep 16, 2019
Contour Data Visualization with Style Transfer


You probably think there’s a typo in the title of this publication, but I can assure you the \ is intentional. \Art (pronounced backslash art) is a fellowship that supports the intersection of art and cutting edge technology. The goal of this program is to fund an established NYC based artist and two engineering students from Cornell Tech to produce a unique piece of art that utilizes the diverse background and expertise of its members. It is an experiment that has been running since 2016 , and we are the the latest team to take on this unconventional and unconstrained journey.

The Goal

The goal of this project is to combine passions in art and technology that pushes both mediums beyond their current boundaries. This publication will serve as a living document to capture our thoughts and progress as we brainstorm, prototype, build, and repeat along our journey.

