Breaking Bread: Manchester Man Meets the Don…

John Olubunmi
Arte de La Pausa
Published in
2 min readDec 9, 2023

Based entirely on a true story, we promise.

Don Tacos lends its name to a petite Mexican eatery nestled in the visually hectic ‘Curry Mile’ portion of the seemingly endless Wilmslow Road, Manchester and it was the setting of, for the author, an evening to remember.

This young diner, a little uneasy in an untested role as ‘punctual guest’, was joined by a long-term partner in crime and three new faces. A flurry of introductions followed.

Clipped resumes, distilled life stories and the like bounced around the table. The business of nailing down what to eat was mostly neglected and, with the waiter’s patience ground to dust, almost postponed indefinitely.

The starters arrived amid great fanfare and the nachos, chicken wings, lamb chops, and Mexican Colas, became the focus of a free for all. Things slowed down quite abruptly as the newly minted entourage noticed one member was trying to dissect a lonely wing with a knife and fork.

One wonders if the gluten allergy she mentioned during the ordering negotiations were linked to her generally cautious approach to food. Allergies would be an emotive talking point that evening. The topic fell headfirst into talk of strength, character, and toxic masculinity.

Living with a mild sesame seed allergy was only a minor flaw for a certain 25-year-old who traced his heritage to the planet of Krypton. Time flew and so did cutting comments, character assassinations, and other popular barbs of banter.

Burritos and Tacos steadily vanished into grateful, and eventually satisfied, stomachs. As things began to wind down an unexpected call came to swap seats, albeit temporarily. The unstoppable force of a certified top 1% Drake streamer had collided with the immovable object of a multiple Drake concert attendee, had prompted this.

A successful seat switch meant the acolytes of Aubrey Graham could worship in peace, fellowship rather. The others continued in what can only be hoped was more exciting conversation. After some time, the insufferable Drake fans found their way back into society.

They joined their peers to divvy up the remaining tacos and split the bill. They would all exit Don Tacos carrying the weight of a meal in their stomachs, the light fizz of Mexican Colas in their chests, and thoughts of very much ‘doing this again’.



John Olubunmi
Arte de La Pausa

an amateur in the purest Latin sense, a doer of things simply for the love of pleasure and play in process, here I write...