Artefact One: World Tour 🌎🌏🌍

David Güiza Caicedo
Artefact One
Published in
3 min readJan 31, 2020

Hello, world! We are Artefact One. A couple of designers who call Amsterdam “Home”, but decided to take a year off from our daily, canal-dwelling routines to explore and design our way around the world.

During 2020 we will be traveling to different countries, and collaborating with local companies on Innovation, Product Strategy, Design Research, Service and User Experience Design.

Why are we doing this?

The right question should be, Why not!? 😉

We are extremely curious about how design is understood and practiced by people around the world. Having worked most of our lives in Amsterdam, surrounded by people from different cultural backgrounds, we are very aware of how this can influence the way you see the world of design, but we figured that the best way to truly understand and embrace the differences would be to go there and experience them first hand.

Our plan

We will spend each quarter of the year in a region of the world with a distinct cultural background and are looking for local companies who can benefit from our European experience with design methodologies, product, and service development, and who can help us understand how this relates to their local challenges and practices.

During Quarter 1 we will be based in Colombia and getting to know the Latin American vibe. Quarter 2 will see us travel to North America, followed by Quarter 3 in South East Asia. Our adventure will culminate in Quarter 4 visiting the African continent.

Artefact One is… Roxana Cociorba

User Experience Designer & Strategist with a strong interest in empathy, storytelling, and emergent technologies. I believe that design is the ‘art of problem-solving’, I love exploring new ideas, working in a dynamic environment and challenging myself through my work. I have a focus on Managing UX Strategy and Design Thinking facilitation, which in combination with my background gives me the ability to work at the intersection of user-centered design, technology, and business.

Artefact One is… David Güiza Caicedo

I’m a Colombian/Dutch designer based in Amsterdam, with almost 20 years of experience helping companies big and small in the development of award-winning products and services through research, workshops, mockups, and prototypes.
How can I help you? Together we can innovate! We can find the sweet spot for your product or service by striking a balance between what your customers want, what is good for your business and what you can actually deliver.

Let’s work together!

Would you like to collaborate and share your local design and innovation experience with us? get in touch! We are not doing this to become rich, so we are willing to work for locally fair wages (of course, if you want to give us loads of €$£, we won’t get mad 🤑).

Follow Artefact One on LinkedIn and here on Medium to get updates on our latest adventures and learnings from around the world




David Güiza Caicedo
Artefact One

UX Design Leader helping organizations achieve more through Product strategy, User research, UX, and Service design (Randstad, PostNL, Tomtom...) |