The Pandemic & the Planet: How Companies Are Rethinking Sustainability

Artemis Ward
Artemis Ward
Published in
5 min readJun 23, 2020


As part of an ongoing series that examines COVID-19’s effects on our world and way of life, Artemis Ward is gathering thoughts and analysis from leaders and experts to shed light on changes already happening and offer insight on what’s to come.

COVID-19 has changed the way businesses think about climate change and sustainability. (Photo by Zbynek Burival on Unsplash)

The COVID-19 pandemic has paralyzed global economies and upended daily life worldwide. Millions have been infected around the world and more than 120,000 people in the United States have died. And for now, it appears there may be no “second wave” to the virus; rather, one long sustained wave that won’t abate for a while.

But if there is a silver lining to the last few months, we’ve been reminded just how acutely human behavior affects the natural world around us and what business and societal opportunities may lie on the other side of the crisis. For instance, the Himalayas in India are now visible for the first time in decades. The notoriously smoggy skies in L.A. are now clear, too, as is the 101. Bicycles have become a hot commodity. Local food supplies dependent on exports are now seeing the value of local harvesting.

And while these phenomena have in some cases been a literal breath of fresh air, the questions for businesses and organizations around the world now become: What will we learn? How will our processes change? What…



Artemis Ward
Artemis Ward

A global digital-first agency partnering with brands to shape what happens next. •