Promise / Broken

A Mixed Media Painting

Janet Chui
Artful Counseling


Intergenerational trauma is not destiny.

Image courtesy of the artist. All rights reserved.

Technical information: Marbling inks, watercolors and pencil on A4 paper. Completed in 2021.

Dysfunctional families share certain common features through the generations. While love and belonging are a universal human need and required for healthy development, attachment, and relationships; in dysfunctional families, the promise of love and acceptance is held up as a bargaining chip.

A child will do anything to receive that from their caregivers; a developing autonomic nervous system needs to feel safe attachment for survival. Without it, long-term anxiety and maladaptive coping mechanisms often develop, and without will or intervention, a parent with untreated anxiety or other mental health disorders is likely to perpetuate emotional neglect or abuse on their own children.

Breaking the cycle may just require fulfilling the promise.

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Janet Chui
Artful Counseling

I'm a counselor, therapist, artist, and creator of the Self-Love Oracle ( I write about mental health, culture, psychology, and woo.