When Narcissists Call Themselves Empaths

Is that even possible? Let’s look at what may really be happening.

Janet Chui
Artful Counseling


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

A few years ago (eons in Internet time), articles and Youtube videos flourished on the topic of narcissist-empath relationships. Empaths have been described as the “perfect prey” for narcissists, particularly as empaths are naturally sympathetic and caring.

But it was bound to happen: As literature on empaths proliferated, particularly in New Age and healing spaces, unexpected people (perhaps even people you know) started calling themselves empaths, sharing memes, and speaking authoritatively on the topic.

In online spaces for narcissistic abuse survivors, these screenshots and behaviors from known narcissists have provoked hilarity and incredulity in equal measure. The joke now goes that if you know anyone calling themselves an empath — Run!

Defining an Empath

The word is derived from “empathy,” which itself has Greek origins: ἐν (en, meaning “in” or “at”) and πάθος (pathos, “passion” or “suffering”). The term was popularized in science-fiction and fantasy media and has been co-opted whole-heartedly by New Age spirituality. It can be used unironically to describe or self-describe someone unusually sensitive to the emotions of others.



Janet Chui
Artful Counseling

I'm a counselor, therapist, artist, and creator of the Self-Love Oracle (https://bit.ly/selfloveo). I write about mental health, culture, psychology, and woo.