It Could All Be So Different…

Artful SCreaming
Published in
4 min readApr 13, 2018

I’m two weeks away from taking my last college class ever. And that class happens to be the class that I write this blog for. With the finish line being so close, I can’t help but do some reflection on my years since graduating from high school in 2014. Here’s what I’ve learned so far…

I am different from most people.

I know this sounds cliché and stands true for most people. But, I’m specifically talking about how I interact with and navigate the world and in particular, college. To most, college is a time to live their wildest lives without repercussions, but I never viewed it as such.

College is the time that I build the foundation that my career will stand on. How I live my life in these moments affects the trajectory of my life. Maybe I’m putting too much weight on these four years (well, three and a half years for me). I view each moment as a stepping stone for my future. In these moments, I try to appreciate the people that are in my life. I am careful to understand and care for those that I cross paths with. I, personally, have not met someone who shares a similar worldview as me and it’s exhausting sometimes.

When you wear your heart on your sleeve, it’s bound to get crushed.

During my college years, I’ve allowed myself to not shy away from my emotions. In the past, I thought that strength meant not letting people see you crack. It’s not that I thought crying or anger meant I was weak, but I thought that people shouldn’t see me outside of the usual, spunky Destiny.

My granddad’s death allowed me to see the reality and beauty in emotional expression. Emotions are beautiful because they vary and allow us to paint pictures of what we are feeling inside. Emotions drive the artistic experience. And I consider myself an artist. So, how I can shut myself into an emotional closet? It was time to come out and experience the different colors that life offers.

Senior year also brought out a new, bolder version of myself. I semi-told a guy that I liked him and it did not go well in the end. The life lesson in this is that you can be completely vulnerable with someone and they can still break your heart. No one is obligated to feel the same way that you feel about them. Be vulnerable. Love or like freely, but move on when you’re not being shown the same love. But whatever you do, don’t stop feeling emotions and expressing yourself.

Everything really does happen for a reason… It’s not cliché. It really does work out in the end.

It’s a known fact that I did not end up at my dream school. We’re not gonna talk about what school it was…

Let’s just say that I didn’t BRuin my life.

Although I was devastated, USC has brought many blessings into my life. My professional life has been tremendously boosted because of the connections that I’ve made. The Trojan Network does exist and it’s a benefit to those who know how to use it.

Being uncomfortable is a sign of a growth.

Being on the other side of the country while my family lives in Atlanta has been a challenge. I’ve cried. I’ve yearned for a hug from my mom in the process of getting through college. But through this, I grew. I had to learn how to navigate a city that is unfamiliar and situations that I had never been in. I’ve been very independent and resourceful, but this could have not happened without removing myself from my comfortable environment.

I’m very uncomfortable with the place that I’m in right now. I don’t have a job secured at the moment and I don’t know if I’m staying in LA. This uncomfortable feeling is going to give birth to my new life. And I just have to push through.

